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Organization XIII

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I realized something, we could toatally be the power rangers!


Rita: random person who earned our wrath at one point (I can think of a few) or Larxene because she is annoyed and wants to destroy the world... because that is what you do when your annoyed, you destroy worlds.


Zordon: Roxas (he formed the group)

Red ranger: Zexaeon (he is strong, strong like bull. Also the leader is Zordon so RR is second in command)

Blue ranger: Mineku

Black Ranger: The gentleman

Yellow ranger: Larxene

Pink Ranger: Marly

White/Green: Riku

Alpha: Frohawk

Bulk and Skull: Sleevecard and Demyx (as the funniest menbers they get to also be the comic relief ones)


Fell free to mix the roles

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Just to answer a question a few pages ago' date=' Xemnasism is talking in a deep voice and asking for hearts while holding lightsabers.[/center']


You're also supposed to speak in extremely long, epic, overdramatic speeches with nonsensical hand gestures.


I realized something' date=' we could toatally be the power rangers!


Rita: random person who earned our wrath at one point (I can think of a few) or Larxene because she is annoyed and wants to destroy the world... because that is what you do when your annoyed, you destroy worlds.


[b']Zordon: Roxas (he formed the group)[/b]

Red ranger: Zexaeon (he is strong, strong like bull. Also the leader is Zordon so RR is second in command)

Blue ranger: Mineku

Black Ranger: The gentleman

Yellow ranger: Larxene

Pink Ranger: Marly

White/Green: Riku

Alpha: Frohawk

Bulk and Skull: Sleevecard and Demyx (as the funniest menbers they get to also be the comic relief ones)


Fell free to mix the roles


That totally makes me Kisuke.

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