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Organization XIII

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Gentlemen! I have the solution to teaching noobs about larxene! Behold!:



This book


That's my new Bible.


O_O Didn't quite know that... To ask' date=' then, I made an account on that Drift a while ago but I don't remember the username, I remember the e-mail tho, can you find accounts just by knowing the e-mails?



I deleted the old Drift.


We made a new one.

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I'm buying it Dissidia in English aswell, but, in Japanese it's f*cking awesome!


My ace character is Jecht...


Sorry if I just spoiled a character.


(If you don't know who Jecht is, then go buy FFX).




When was the new one made? I made the account... around maybe March 10th


The beginning of March.


We nuked the old Drift around the same time you registered.


I noticed that the announcement saying that you made a new Drift was created on March 6th.

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Well, you see, Luxordism, which I created, is exactly what Phoenix said. Excessive gambling while talking in a british accent.


And, of course, shooting off an awesome combination of words every once in a while (Veritable maelstrom of avarice, for example).


Thanks for the example Amethyst.

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