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Organization XIII

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WTH' date=' how are you supposed to dodge all of those bullets?[/center']


By being awesome.


Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's bad.




Also, the bullets move in specific patterns. It's not hard once you know what to do.


You can also use spell cards to clear every bullet off of the screen.



EDIT: Holy shitz you can play as Remilia in that game. I must have.

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I'm only going by what Google turned up' date=' I could be looking at a completely different game, but to be sure show me screenshots plx. Now I'm sorry but this is CRAP, ABSOLUTELY CRAP.




A Mod swearing? Tsk, tsk.


[align=center]Ack. Lets clear this mess up.


What is your favorite Heartless Boss?[/align]


And we've had that topic how many times? I'll still say Dark Thorn.

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[align=center]It's not hard.


It's really fun.





EDIT: Just spam the Reaction Commands. Even on FM' date=' you can use the 1st Sora Form drive form to make it even easier.[/align']


-___- Were you listening to what she just said? CRITICAL MODE LEVEL ONE. It is VERY hard with those settings.


Even going into Limit Form isn't a sure-fire save, dude. Sora can spam his Limit Moves all he wants, but those Heartless really pile on, and inflict hella damage agansit your crappy, level 1 defense, and guess what ends up happening? You end up running out of MP because of all the limits you're using to heal yourself, and then you're helpless. And more often than not, you can't get back enough Drive gauge in time to save yourself once you revert.



I cleared the battle like, a week and a half ago. But it's still effing hard on Lvl.1 Crit. Spamming Limits and Reaction Commands doesn't make it any less hard.

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Just to bring it up' date=' how the heck can people create dark doors that they can go through, dark things can be created, there's a ship made out of "gummi", how a boy can carry a gigantic key, why there are white things, and a guy can hold cards in the air without touching them.[/align']


Completely insane plot designs.

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