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Organization XIII

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I just remembered this.


Yesterday' date=' I was playing Final Mix, and decided to fight Organization XIII.


So I fought Xigbar first, and his starting quote made me laugh.


"You really shouldn't have betrayed us."


Anyone else see the irony?



Um... No. T_T

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xD I see it very well Lar. Took me a moment, because I wasn't thinking of Saturn at first, but I see it.


Everytime I play FM, I always fight OXIII after doing my other stuff (like, if I'm done with my Lv.1 file for the moment, I go and fight OXIII on my main file). Larxene's giggle makes me smile everytime.

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For me it was Repliku, you might not know it but thank's to me hacking the square enix computers (or at least posting that I did) I managed to alter the plot of 358/2 days so that Repliku joins the organization as the fifteenth menber (as a replica he has no heart only very good copy). And I did this solely so I could tell you he is the hardest Org. Battle.


Seriously though for me it was Xigbar.

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Metaverse-wise, it'll have to be God Braig from Kingdom Hearts: End of Days Final Mix+-0. (KH:EDFM+-0) Hitting him's also darn impossible. He's even harder than the Xehanort/DiZ Data fusion in Kingdom Hearts: End of Days Final Mix+-0 Director's Cut.


Hmmm... the fight that I had the most difficulty with was against Xaldin.

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