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First, bans are final. Whining about the likelihood of it actually happening won't change anything, and saying you don't think she should have been banned means nothing. If you have a problem, PM a mod; don't whine. FYI: I banned Larxene.


Second, I don't care what you think about ragnarok, but do not go plotting things against him just because you don't like him. It's one thing to report someone for spamming, as that's what you're supposed to do, but complaining and trying to get him banned simply because you dislike him is not appropriate nor mature. Also, what he has done in the past has no bearing on his current situation. People learn to stop spamming, so holding it against them is stupid. If the sort of thing that you've been doing with ragnarok continues, whether about ragnarok or about anyone, this club will be unstickied and locked.

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I never claimed to have anything against Ragnarok, nor did I whine. =/ I was just stating my opinion on the banning of a potential hacker.


in any case, Clair asked for me to post this here, so here's her two cents:


And here's the difference between what I did and what Albus did when he said he would hack the site.


Albus did it intentionally in order to get banned' date=' while I only said it as a joke.


Like Zex said, if I knew how to hack the site then being banned wouldn't bother me in the least. If I could hack, I could probably just promote myself to Admin if I wanted to.[/quote']



Yes, I posted a message for her. Not because I'm some conspirator, but just because she asked me to, and we're tight, so I thought "Why not?"


Also, I do agree that people need to stop digging on Rag - I have no personal like or dislike of him, but I'm getting real sick of all the "Blah blah blah, Ragnarok sucks".

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I never claimed to have anything against Ragnarok' date=' nor did I whine. =/ I was just stating my opinion on the banning of a potential hacker.


I was speaking to the members of the club in general, not to anyone specific. The point was that anyone who does do any of those things should stop, and those who don't do it are already fine :P

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Just to finish this off: I don't like rag, he hasn't changed, he still spams like hell and got banned for it and then unbanned for some ridiculous reason. He's a bigger spammer than Digital Simplicity [/rant]


Now that i'm done venting we can go about our regular life.


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