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Organization XIII

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Think of black comedy. It's basically the Charisma of movie genres. It's a dump stat. If all else fails, then random outbursts and squeals of pain will always make people laugh some way or another, because it's completely random. They joke about bombs, terrorists, death and other things that people in real life would find traumatizing or not even close to funny. Yet still they laugh. It's basically a carbon copy of the Romans and their Coliseums. People like to see others squirm. It gives them a feeling of superiority, and also gratefulness that it isn't them who is in that scene.


Anyway, the point I'm trying to drive home is that since people don't arrest people for joking about horrible things, people who joke about hacking an internet forum...


Also, the moderator who banned Larxene obviously didn't even see her sig. >.<


And thus ends my rant.

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Lord of the Rings FTW!


And... no. Maybe... A big KH website or something? I dunno. >.< Maybe you should just try out gummi ships until you get a good one. Or keep using the gummi ship you have until you finally beat the level.

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Right now, my favorite Video Game other than KH is FFX, because I'm getting back into it.


Also, please play games in the Games Thread. hat's Spamming here, and it could get Moderators to close the club down.


And while I do think it's rather idiotic to ban someone for jokingly making claims to hack a forum (especially when the joke was solely in the interest of discussing one bad member), I'll decline to rant on it.


I will say this though: If someone really had the ability and knowledge to hack a forum, ask yourselves: Does banning them do any good? After all, if they could really hack, they could just get around that little inconvenience. Or start an account from an alternate IP address and execute the task there.


The Fact that Larxene and Colonel Sanders both made these Joking Threats, and never carried them through, should be all the proof you need to know that they won't. Because if they really could, banning wouldn't stop them.

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