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Rhyperior? A Swords Danced EQ from a 252 ATK EV, Jolly 31 IV Garchomp will do 91.01% to 107.14% damage to a 252 DEF EV, 252 HP EV, Relaxed Rhyperior. Ie, it will OHKO it just over half the time.


Then, a Rhyperior Avalanche will do 122.69% - 144.26%, and that is with a Choice Band. Add in Yache Berry, ie, garchomp takes 3/4 damage from the Ice Attack, and that is only 92.0175% damage to 108.195% damage. Meaning, you OHKO only half the time.


This means you have a 25% chance of success.

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Either Rampardos or Raticate? But both of those are OHKO'd by EQ.


But anyway, you'd want a Pokemon that can frighten the Chomp user into switching, so that Pursuit can do double damage. The trouble with this, is that Pursuit is such a common move that all the good players know off by heart which Pokemon can learn Pursuit, and they just don't switch out unless necessary.

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Oh forget it, I'll just tell you. Rattata.


You rely on his crappy stats to win. Very simple win. Give him a focus sash. Gar goes for the OH, Focus Sash keeps Rattata at 1 HP, and he responds with Endeavor. From there you can either Quick Attack if he's staying in or Pursuit if you can tell he's switching out. Win.

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You use FEAR?


This amuses me greatly. About a year ago, when the DP metagame was just forming, people used the FEAR (Focus sash, Endeavour, quick Attack Rattata) technique. Now, everybody knows about it. If you switch in a Raticate, and Sandstorm isn't going/Stealth Rocks is up, they'll just switch out. If a Sandstorm is going/Stealth Rocks is up, your Focus Sash will be ruined, and you will be OHKO'd by Earthquake. Nice try, Aeon, but you are a year too late.


Just as a note, if you want to keep useing the FEAR strategy, Phanpy does it better than Raticate, because Phanpy resists Sandstorm.

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-_- Still works just fine for me. That's why I use a Rapid Spinner in the same party as Rattata. And a Weather-Manipulator. I keep things the way I want them. I don't actually use the damn Rattata unless I have an opening to do so and it becomes necessary. If they switch out, it doesn't bother me at all - all that means is that I now know of whatever they have waiting in the wings, and they've just undone any set-up they've begun. I can then shape my next moves accordingly. Ya know, you treat Garchomp as some sort of God among pokemon and act as though it's impossible to defeat, when it's far from.


And I must say, I don't like how you talk to me - you speak as though I don't know what I'm doing. Look, I have many, many victories under my belt, and have played opponents of all skill levels. I have read extensively into the ever-changing game, have tried out a variety of strategies, and am very much experienced. I've been battling competitively for quite a while. I trust you are a competent player, and I don't speak in a manner that seems to demean your skills. I ask that you do the same.


Also, I'd like to let this discussion drop. This club isn't exactly intended as a Pokemon discussion.

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I'm sorry, I'm not trying to demean your skills. It did actually find it really funny, because of an old in-joke - there was this time when everyone was getting really annoyed by FEAR (about a year back), and saying it should be banned, until a guy called Obi pointed out that you can always, just, you know, switch out, and if the Rattata switches back in, it will be OHKO'd. It was basically a d'oh moment.


Garchomp isn't impossible to defeat, but it is really difficult if you let it get a Swords Dance up. As I said earlier, it is being discussed for Ubers. My personal strategy is to switch in Celebi the minute I see it - Celebi is immune to EQ, and if Chomp SDances, I use HP Ice, I can survive at least one hit, then I take it out. However, if I lose turn advantage, I can't do this.


Just of interest, do you play on WiFi, or Shoddy?


Anyway, yeah, new discussion: Mirror's Edge. Y/n?

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=/ Incidentally, a while back, a lot of people in Japan had started nicknaming their Rattatas

"フィアー" (Fear). This was a trend based on the Rat's nature as described by the Pokedex as a scared creature. This was before the advent of the FEAR we know.


And on another note, Garchomp is a pretty easy destiny bond target. Yes, it is hard to defeat, I can acknowledge that, but there are many ways to do it.


As for Mirror's Edge, it looks very pretty, and seems to be quite awesome. I'll have to try it for myself when I get the chance (is there already a demo available or no?), as I typically stay away from First Person.


EDIT: I used to use Netbattle, but now I just play people on the DS wifi, or battle anonymously with Battle Revolution.

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Ah, WiFi/Battle Revolution. That explains a lot. You probably wouldn't have known about Fear, etc. Shoddy is perhaps the more competitive medium.


Mirror's Edge had a playable demo last E3, and it comes out Nov 11th. It is First Person, but it is unlike any First Personer I've ever seen.

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Well Netbattle (during the time of ADV) was a good source of very competitive battling. For competitive DP, I just get Friend Codes off of Smogon - those people are all about competition.


And yes, this is why I'm going to give Mirror's Edge a shot. It intrigues me. Usually, I don't give an FP a second glance.

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Emerald has a really stupid RNG to save space, that generates numbers depending on the time - ie, it isn't really random at all. There is a specific timing that generates 31/31/26/31/31/31 IVd Pokemon.

The soundtrack for Shine is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y-XBWXY9H0&fmt=18 No vocals, but still on excellent track.

I can't find a link to Something Beautiful, though.
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