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Organization XIII

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I guess it's my own fault for not implying my sarcasm. In my statement, I never intended for her to take it so seriously. I was sarcastically implying that the other members in question `Had nothing better to do than do this' so to speak, and the other members got that joke. I never intended for Claire to take it so seriously, and I am seriously sorry for taking it a little bit too far by putting in that `fitting in' part. Also, the statement before that other one was just another sarcastic joke. Just telling you that.

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If anything, you may have just stayed out of it. Roxas is looking over this right now.


I doubt you'll be removed, DiZ, but something is going to need to happen.


You could have simply straight-out defended her. In this Organization, we look out for one another.


If Saturn was online now and Xemnas had access to a PC, you can bet they would have done the same.

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At least he's facing up to his wrong' date=' rather than fight against it.



Fighting against a punishment just isn't my thing. If I do something wrong, then I have a guilty conscience, and when I am punished I have the satisfaction that I got what I deserved, and thus clears my conscience. In other words, punishment is very liberating.

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