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Organization XIII

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=/ So DiZ is only free during the weekends, Roxas is only free after school, and Claire is free everyday EXCEPT weekends....


Alright, here's what we're going to do! (feel free to input your decisions too, Roxas)


This Tomorrow, everyone who is online is going to RP arriving at the White Tower, where you are all going to split into groups and ascend it. I will NPC Xemnas, since Xemmy is gone for the week.


From that point onward throughout the week, I want you all to come up with challenges for your group to face as they ascend the Tower - since you're going to be planning this, I advice you pick your group partners today.


On Thursday (God willing), I'm going to try and initiate the fight with DiZ with Roxas and Marly, so the two of you please be online then. ^^;


Since Claire isn't free on Weekends, we'll hopefully start the battle with Zero on Friday - DiZ, you should be able to stay up, right? Since it'll be a Friday?


Luke, if you'd like, you could RP various foes for the different groups to encounter along the way.


This plan will only work with cooperation, so who thinks they can do this? =/

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