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Exactly what Larxy said. ^^ Don't use Rare Candies to level all the way to 100 until after you've trained the EVs. If your pokemon has maxed EVs, it'll take them with it as it levels up, regardless of the method.


And yes, thanks to you talking to me back and forth, my post count is rising!


>=3 That, and my debating the marriage thread.

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=O Well, MarMar, EV training allows a pokemon to gain more stats. I'll try and make it simple (which is hard)


Effort Value is a hidden stat your pokemon has - between the six stats, it can only have a maximum of 510 EV points, and only a max of 255 EV points for any one stat. So if you maxed out the EVs for ATK and DEF, no other stat could gain EVs from that point forward, since you reached the 510 maximum limit.


You see, for every 4 EV points on a stat, that stat increases by 1. So 255 EV points in ATK results in 63 extra points added to that stat. (252/4). It's best to just stop at 252, since the leftover 3 points won't add up to another stat point, so don't waste those maxing out the stat entirely. Just stop at 252.


Because the stat is a hidden number, you have to keep track of them yourself (like on paper or something). Once you're done training, you won't need to keep track anymore, since it can't gain anymore EVs after it hits the 510 max.


How do you GET EVs? Simple - defeating wild pokemon. Every pokemon species gives off different EVs when they are defeated. Some pokemon give off more than they're supposed to if it's a story-battle. However, most species give off points to multiple stats, so you could end up training a stat you don't want to train by accident.


But, there are a few species that only give off EV points for one stat. They are:


HP EVs: Wooper (=1), Quagsire (+2)


ATK: Gyarados (+2), Krickitune (+2)


Def: Pelliper (+2), Geodude (+1)


Sp.Atk: At the moment, it escapes me


Sp.Def: Tentacruel (+2)


Speed: Magikarp (+1), Fearow (+2)


However, training so many points seems daunting: how could you max out one stat when pokemon only give off 1 or 2 EV points every time you defeat them?


2 simple solutions!





The items Protein, Carbos, Zinc, Iron, Calcium, and HP Up all give 10 EV points to their designated stat for each use - A pokemon can use up to 10 of these for any one stat, allowing you to get 100 EV points out of the way right off the bat!


Always make sure to use these before you start EV training, as if the pokemon has already gained any EV points for the stat the medicine is affecting, the pokemon cannot use as many of them as normal.


power Items



In D/P, there are six power items.


Power Band

Power Belt

Power weight

Power Anklet

Power Bracer

Power Lens


Each of these items are to be held by a pokemon - the pokemon holding the item gains 4 more EV points for the stat they're training whenever they gain it. For example, holding the Power Band while defeating a wild Krikitune would gain you 6 ATK EVs instead of 2! These can be bought at the Battle Tower for BP, and are very useful!



By the time you start EV training, your Pokemon has probably already gained some EVs. If this is the case, get the following:


Pomeg Berry

Kelpsy Berry

Hondew Berry

Qualot Berry

Grepa Berry

Tomato Berry


Each of these berries LOWERS the EVs in their designated stat, allowing you to 0 all EVs in all of your stats. That way, you can start from scratch and start keeping track of your EVs!


This has been an explanation by Zexy ^^

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xD My information was the same as yours, just simplified.


By the way: psypokes.com


Best place EVER for Pokemon. Every guide you could possibly need is there, with pictures and everything.


=P I kicked myself for finding it AFTER I'd learned all I knew....cuz psypokes could have made it so much easier. T-T


They even have a fully comprehensive movedex, a stat calculator, a damage calculator, a hidden power calculator, and full information for every pokemon - where to obtain it, how to evolve it, what moves it learns at what levels, what TMs it can learn, EVERYTHING.

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