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I has made another Touhou animation, 'cuz I was bored, and they're incredibly simple.



Anyway, my favorite Disney movies are Hercules, Mulan, Aladdin, and Lion King. I have others, but I'm too lazy/forgetful to post them right now.

And my favorite Org. member you fight in TWTNW would be Saix.

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  'Marly said:

I has made another Touhou animation' date=' 'cuz I was bored, and they're incredibly simple.[/color']



Anyway, my favorite Disney movies are Hercules, Mulan, Aladdin, and Lion King. I have others, but I'm too lazy/forgetful to post them right now.

And my favorite Org. member you fight in TWTNW would be Saix.


What the funk is that thing? She looks like Nurse Joy on some serious sheet. Whatever she's smoking, I want it.

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My favorite boss fight in TWTNW was Roxas.


Disney Movies I liked: Aladdin (The genie is win), Lion King (Timon and Pumba still crack me up), Hercules (The series is win as well, you can't go wrong when you're using greek mythology as your base idea), Mulan (Mushu = win), The Sword in the Stone, Sleeping Beauty, and Robin Hood.

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Zomg, I forgot Hercules and Mulan. I liked Mulan a lot - it had a very nice story. Plus, most of the songs weren't fail. =D


Hercules was also good. I just didn't like Phil (at all). Plus, any Hades-less scenes in KH2 (unrelated topic) were kinda lame, too. xD Because Herc was all emo in KH2. But yeah, the movie was win.


=O And sorry Zaraki, but I didn't like LK very much. Story was meh, Simba was meh, and the concept in the whole was a bit overdone (in various other movies, books, etc.)

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  'Roxas said:


They match the lyrics very well with the video' date=' especially at the refrain through 2:37, freaking nailed that sequence, perfectly!



This is better.



Nappa: Time is racing forward until we arrive.


Vegeta: Shut the hell up Nappa, and you might survive.


Nappa: Vegeta are we there yet?


Vegeta: No Nappa, no we're not.


Nappa: How about now?


Vegeta: No goddamn it Naaaaaaaappaaaaaaaaa!









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