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If you can beat the Hades Cup, you should be able to beat Sephiroth as well.


Just make sure you have Elixirs to heal whenever he uses his Sin Harvest attack. (Same thing as Descend Heartless Angel.) Although if you're quick enough, you could hit him before he uses the attack.

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Eh, I like it.


It could be better, but I'm in no position to make one, so yeah.


Sephiroth was actually easier in KH1, for me. He didn't move as fast, and you had dodge roll to pwn him with. I also beat teh Ice Titan, Kurt Zisa, and The Phantom (hard as hell).


In KH2, Sephiroth was harder, but I got the hang of him. Like Lar, I beat him on Critical Mode first try.


Best thing about KH2 was teh epicness of the story compared to KH1 (where it really only got epic near the end).

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Exactly. I just liked the FF themes, so I kept playing. Then the story actually got good by the time they reached Hollow Bastion (so, the moment Ansem showed up xD )


And then KH2 just blew it outa the water. CoM woulda done it, but it was on the GBA. If it had been a PS2 release to begin with, it woulda blown KH1 outa the water too.


CoM had better characters and story, but the GBA ness just made it not as epic as KH1. Re:CoM shoulda been the original CoM Dx

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