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Organization XIII

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I just downloaded some game called Touhou after seeing some videos of it on Youtube' date=' and it is possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever played.


EDIT: Also, tomorrow I can get my name change. I'm thinking, should I change it to Uzuki Yashiro instead, and wait until May to change it to Larxene? Or just change to Larxene now?


I was considering it, because we just started our RP today, so I might change my name to Uzuki until after the RP is finished.


EDIT AGAIN: Marly is made of epic win.



Larxene is better im gonna change my name to Solcloud.


I fnaly got my print a card award.

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You should go with Larxene. Also' date=' by tomorrow my name's going to be changed to just plain Davok. Whatcha guys think?



I love it.


Do you think I should go back to FFR or stay as The Gentleman?


The Final Fantasy Gentleman

[/bad idea]


Go with what you like.


Meh' date=' tell meh what FFR stands for.


Also, Kingdom Hearts 2 is way better then Kingdom Hearts.




Also, what do you think of this?






FFR=Final Fantasy Revolution


The pic is awesome though.

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