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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker Idol!

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Guest TheFinalFan

Hello! I am YRPOtaku and welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker Idol!


This contest doesn't judge on your singing ability, but it does have to do with songs. All you have to do is this:

1. Find a song you like.

2. Find something in the song (not the music video!) that you could make a card out of.

3. Make a card. It can be any type of card, Monster, Spell, Trap, Synchro, etc., as long as it pertains to the song.

4. In the slot on the Card Maker where it says "Creator", put the song title and who did it. If you don't know who did the song, just put the song title, and vise-versa.

5. Post it on here.


Here is an example card I made to show you how it is done:



You will be scored in 5 categories:

Realism to the TCG/OCG

Card Art

Card Effect


and How Much the Card Fits With the Song


The prize is that the winner will be given a main character slot on my new fanfic project, Yu-Gi-Oh! Megatropolis.


The 6 finalists are:

1. "Awakening" by setojim (urs is good!)

2. "Moonlight Butterfly" by KingdomHeartsKeeper (awesome!)

3. "The Devil's Down in Georgia" by Kazerima (classic song!)

4. "I Stand Alone" by cantstaystill (irony! XD )

5. "Join the Black Parade" by Dark Crokan80 (nice art!)

6. "The Great Escape" by Bunnyboy1330 (gr8t effect!)


I have narrowed it down to the final winner.

And it is........

(drum roll please!)













"Moonlight Butterfly" by KingdomHeartsKeeper!

Congratulations! YOU WON!!!!

Now I just need you to write up your character on my fanfic page: Yu-Gi-Oh! Megatropolis.

Here is the link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-63134-page-1.html

And your character will get to be one of the main characters! Yay!

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Guest TheFinalFan

Preliminary judging!


SwiftObliterator's "Dream On"

Realism: 4/5

Card Art: 4/5

Card Effect: 4/5

Usability: 4.5/5 (Good with Lightsworns!)

HTCIPTTS (How Much The Card Pertains To The Song): 3/5

Overall: 3.9/5


cameronsdog's "One is the Lonliest Number"

Realism: 3/5

Card Art: 5/5

Card Effect: 4/5

Usability: 2/5


Overall: 3.6/5


Keep creating!

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Just a few things I would like to point out:


1. No more preliminary judging...for now.

2. Good job tuffguy, Chidori, and U_R!

3. pgj1997 needs to go back and try again. This is a REALISTIC card contest!

4. Silencer needs to go back and try again too because his card isn't legit for entry.

5. eric, is that card your entry or your signature? If it's your sig, rad art! But if it's your entry, go back and try again.

6. I don't disqualify before the entry time is up, allowing people to go back and make corrections. If you want to send it in, and you are sure about your entry, just write on your entry "Contest Entry" in the Circulation slot. That means that that is your FINAL ENTRY! Once that is on, YOU CAN"T GO BACK. PERIOD. On the other hand, that means that your entry is immune to my criticism.

7. Pertaining to #6, entries without the "Contest Entry" marking are stll elligible for the contest, but I can make remarks on them. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


Keep creating! And remember to include all of the special stuff!

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6. I don't disqualify before the entry time is up' date=' allowing people to go back and make corrections. If you want to send it in, and you are sure about your entry, just write on your entry [b']"Contest Entry"[/b] in the Circulation slot. That means that that is your FINAL ENTRY! Once that is on, YOU CAN"T GO BACK. PERIOD. On the other hand, that means that your entry is immune to my criticism.


Does "YCMaker Idol!" count? Cause that's what I put. And I didn't save my card.

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