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Yu-Gi-Oh XD

Yu-Gi-Oh XD

The Edge of Darkness



Prologue Page 1, Post 1


Episode 1 Page 1, Post 5


Episode 2 (not complete) Page 1, Post 13


Episode 3 Coming Soon[/align]





Long ago two powerful god cards that rival the power of the Egyptian God Cards were created. They were kept in hiding because their individual powers were too great. Together they could bring about the end of the world in the wrong hands. Threats to steal the cards have prompted them to be entrusted to two duelists that are skilled enough to control their powers. Gharyu, the Dragon God of Darkness' DARK powers were so great it had to be entrusted to James, a duelist with the skill and power to control the darkness of it. Thara, the Dragon God of Light had to be entrusted to Isis, a pure hearted LIGHT duelist with the skill and power to control it.

An evil tyrant named (insert name here) wants the cards for himself so he could rule the world. With them, he can do whatever he wants, unopposed. (Insert name here) has created an Ante tournament where the rarest card each duelist owns is put on the line and the winner keeps both in an attempt to obtain both the God Dragons. Duelists who want the God cards and duelists with their own agendas have entered this tournament. Only one can win.



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[spoiler=Episode 1]

Episode 1 - Round 1: Titan versus Anson

James: What's this? An invitation. Excellent. Now I can put my dueling skills to the ultimate test.


Isis: I'm in. I'm already a national champion. Now I have a chance to become the world champion.


Titan: Hm, you are pathetic. Wait. Whats this? An invitation. To a world dueling tournament. Finally I can face some real competition.


Kai: An invitation. Something isn't right about it. I must go to check it out.


Axis: An invitation to a world tournament. Finally a chance for my talent to be recognised.


Shoichi: An invitation. Awesome. Now I can see how my quick win combos can be used on a world tournament scale.


Anson: What's this? An invitation to a tournament. Excellent.


Evil Tyrant: Excellent. The chosen duelists have accepted my challenge. Now it's only a matter of time before the Dragon God Cards are mine.


Tournament Opening Ceremony


Evil Tyrant: Welcome to the Duel Monsters World Championship. You have all been invited because you are the best of the best in the world. This tournament will prove who is absolutely the best. In addition to the rules of regular tournaments there are a few that have been added to make this tournament interesting. Before every duel both duelists declare their two rarest cards. The winner of that duel wins the losing duelist's rarest card and keeps their own. In the grand final match, both duelists not only put their rarest cards on the line but also all the cards that they have won so far. Think of it as the prize for winning the tournament. Now the matches are going to be decided as follows so please, pay close attention:

- Each duelist will pick a random number from a box.

- The numbers picked will decide the matches.

- If you win, you will advance to the next round.

- If you lose, you are eliminated.

Now lets see what everyone's gonna get.


Everyone picks their numbers. These are the matches for Stage 1.


Match 1: Titan v. Anson

Match 2: James v. Axis

Match 3: Isis v. _ _ _ _

Match 4: Kai v. Shoichi

Match 5: _ _ _ _ v. _ _ _ _

Match 6: _ _ _ _ v. _ _ _ _

Match 7: Lydia v. _ _ _ _

Match 8: _ _ _ _ v. _ _ _ _


Tournament Arena


Evil Tyrant: Let the games begin. Match 1: Titan versus Anson.


Titan: I hope your as good as everyone else here.

Anson: You'll find out soon enough.

Titan: Let's duel.

Anson: Let's duel.

Titan: You can start.

Anson: Very well. I draw. I summon Archfiend Soldier in Attack Mode, set a card face down and call it a turn.

Titan: Can't you do better than that? I Set a Monster in Defense Position and a card face-down and end my turn.

Anson: Okay, I draw, I summon Luster Dragon in Attack Mode. Now, prepare yourself. I attack your face-down Monster with Archfiend Soldier.

The face-down is Mystic Tomato.

Titan: When Mystic Tomato is destroyed as a result of Battle, I can Special Summon a DARK Monster from my deck with 1500 or less ATK in Attack Mode. I choose Mystic Tomato.

Anson: I attack with Luster Dragon.

Titan: Not so fast. I activate Chaos Burst. When your Monster Attacks, I Tribute one of my Monsters, your attacking Monster is destroyed and you lose 1000 Life Points.


[align=center]~Life Points~

Titan: 8000 Anson: 7000[/align]


Anson: I'm calling it a turn.

Titan: My turn. I draw. I activate Hand Destruction. Both players discard 2 cards from their Hands and then draws 2 cards. Now I activate another Hand Destruction. You know the effect.

The cards discarded by Titan were Uria, Lord of Searing Flames, Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder, Raviel, Lord of Phantasms, Dark Summoning Beast.

Titan: Now I summon Phantom of Chaos. By removing a Monster in my Graveyard from play, Phantom of Chaos becomes a copy of the Monster removed. I remove from play Dark Summoning Beast. The ability of Dark Summoning Beast is that I can Tribute it to Special Summon the Sacred Beasts from my Graveyard ignoring all their regular Summoning Conditions, Uria, Lord of Searing Flames, Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder and Raviel, Lord of Phantasms. Now I activate the Special Ability of Uria. Once per turn, I can destroy 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card on the field. Spell and Trap Cards cannot be used in response to Uria's effect.

Anson: Awwh.

Titan: Now that I have all 3 Sacred Beasts on the field, I can now unleash their full powers. By combining them all into one, I create the ultimate Sacred Beast, Armityle, the Chaos Phantom.

Anson: 0 ATK? How are you going to win with this?

Titan: Read the effect. During my turns, Armityle's ATK becomes 10000. Now your finished. Armityle, the Chaos Phantom, finish him off by crushing his inferior Archfiend Soldier.

Anson: Ahhhhh.

Anson's Life Points rapidly approaced zero. Titan takes Kaiser Glider from the fallen Anson.

Evil Tyrant: The winner of Match 1 is Titan. Titan will advance to Round 2.



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[spoiler=Episode 2]

Episode 2 - Enter Dark Armed Dragon

Episode 2 - Enter Dark Armed Dragon

Evil Tyrant: Now, Round 2 will begin momentarily. It will be James versus Axis.


30 minutes later........

Evil Tyrant: It's time for Round 2 to begin.

Axis: I've heard a lot about your skills James. Lets see if everything said about you is true.

James: I'm gonna let my dueling do the talking. Let's duel. You may begin.

Axis: Okay. I draw. I activate Hand Destruction. Both of us draw 2 cards and discard 2 cards. I activate Messanger of Peace. While this card is face-up on the field, all Monsters with 1500 or more ATK cannot declare an attack. Lets see you get past that. Now I summon Destiny Hero - Disk Commander in Attack Mode. I also set 2 cards face-down and end my turn. It's your move.

James: I draw. I activate Trade-In. By discarding a Level 8 Monster from my hand, I get to draw 2 cards. Now I summon one of them. Say hello to Armageddon Knight. When Armageddon Knight is summoned, 1 DARK Monster gets sent from my deck to the Graveyard. I send Destiny Hero - Disk Commander to the Graveyard, so I can activate this. Premature Burial. At the cost of 800 Life Points, I get to Special Summon 1 Monster from my Graveyard in Attack Mode. I choose Destiny Hero - Disk Commander. When this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, I get to draw 2 cards. Now, Armageddon Knight. Attack his Disk Commander.

Axis: I activate Limit Reverse. This lets me bring back a Monster with 1500 or less ATK. I choose Destiny Hero - Disk Commander. You know its effect.

James: I set 2 cards facedown and end my turn.

Axis: My turn. At the cost of 100 Life Points, Messanger of Peace gets kept on the field and is still in effect. Now I play Card of Safe Return. Every time I Special Summon a Monster from my Graveyard, I get to draw 2 cards. Now I set a Monster in Defense Position and end my turn.

James: My draw. I discard Darklord Zerato in order to Special Summon Dark Grepher. Now I summon Armageddon Knight in Attack Mode. You know its ability. Now that I have exactly 3 DARK Monsters in my Graveyard I can Special Summon Dark Armed Dragon.

Axis: I activate Solemn Judgment. At the cost of half my Life Points, the Summoning of Dark Armed Dragon.

James: I activate my own Solemn Judgment negating yours. You just wasted half your Life Points and my Dark Armed Dragon stays on the field. Now I activate Dark Grepher's special ability. Once per turn I can send 2 DARK Monsters from my deck to the Graveyard. Now I activate the Special Ability of Dark Armed Dragon. By removing from play 1 DARK Monster in my Graveyard, I can destroy 1 card on the field. The first target is your Messanger of Peace. Now I use its effect 2 times to destroy your other Spell or Trap Card. Now, your next target is Card of Safe Return. Now, the final target is your face-down Monster. Now I activate my other face-down card, Return From the Different Dimension. At the cost of Half my Life Points, I will bring back my strongest Removed From Play Monster, Darklord Zerato. Now Darklord Zerato, attack him directly. Now Dark Armed Dragon, finish him off. Thats game.

Axis' Life Points approach 0. Axis gives James his rarest card set. Exodia the Forbidden One and its limbs.

Evil Tyrant: The winner of Match 2 is James.

Evil Tyrant: Excellent. Everything is going according to planned. Once James has to face one of my minions, Gharyu, the Dragon God of Darkness will be mine. I know he has it. I can feel it.




Episode 2 is still in progress. I reckon I can still make it longer and more exciting.

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you should have something else than just confersations take a look at Raviel Priest Wyhe's fanfic' date=' you need to describe the enviroment and the characters.


You consider me that good.

When I wrote this things, I just apply what my teachers taught in writing great stories.

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