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Pharaoh VS Gods (Final Part)


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Episode 3: Pharaoh VS Gods Part III

*The attack continues*

YY: Not so fast activate TC Fierce Fight

Part of my Avatar = Trap Card (Activate)

*Shows Gaia the Fierce Knight auto fused to Dragon Champion* (2600)

*Gaia gets destroyed without losing life points*

Rona: What's going on? Tell me!

YY: This trap card allows me to attack Gaia the Dragon Champion in DEF mode BLOCKING YOUR ATTACK!

Rona: Well! Good for you. I end my turn.

YY: Looks like your luck has run out. I play Monster Reborn to bring back Queen's Knight. (1600) Then I summon King's Knight as well then his effect activates to automatically summon Jack's Knight (1900) Then I end my turn by setting 1 card face-down!

Rona: I draw. I also activate Monster Reborn to bring back my Guidance Warrior of the Flames. Then I activate my SC Autopolymerization this card allows me to automatically remove my Guidance Warrior of Earth and Guidance Warrior of Flames. To make..Guidance Pyro of Earth(2400) then I activate his effect which allows me to remove 1 card from my hand to the graveyard and half of it's attack points will direct to your life points.

Joey: Yugi No!

YY: Not so fast activate MIRROR FORCE! Your monsters. ARE THROUGH!


Rona: I guess I pass.

YY: Very well. I sacrifice my 3 monsters to summon Obelisk the Tormentor!


YY: Thanks to this TC Card Robber I can steal 1 monster from your deck to my hand.

YY: And while your attack was going I activated it as well as I activated Mirror Force.

YY: And Obelisk has a special ability when it was summoned you pay 4000 of your life points.

(R:1500 YY:3800)

Rona: That maybe but I got one god card left.

Rona: The Winged Dragon of Ra

YY: Is that so

*Sees ra right in front of Rona*

Rona: Whats this?

YY: I also activated my SC Ra's Key of Demise that was allowing me to summon Ra from my opponent's hand while I have Obelisk or Slifer.

YY: And your THROUGH Obelisk the Tormentor Attack his Guidance Pyro and the rest of his life points.(Pyro can't be destroyed by any traps.)

*Pyro yells and Rona cover his eyes by using his arms*

(R:0 YY:3800)

Joey: Alright Yugi!

*Joey laughs silly then hugs him and Yugi grins*

So Rona your strongest card is mine which is your Guidance Bird of Destruction and Guidance Warrior of Earth(See Part II for their info).

Rona has lost the duel


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