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Blue Wolf Zombie Deck: Genesis

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i bought this Structure deck today.

Blue Wolf: Genesis

Cards x44



Vampire Genesis

Master Kyonshee

Vampire Lord

Pyramid Turtle x3

Spirit Reaper

Despair from the Dark x2

Ryu Kokki x2

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower

Vampire Lady x2

Double Coston

Regenerating Mummy x2

Red Moon Baby


Spells x18

Mystical Space Typhoon

Giant Trunade

Nobleman of Crossout

Card of Safe Return x2

Heavy Storm

Creature Swap x2

Book of Life x3

Call of the Mummy x3

Reload x2

Monster Reborn

Cold Wavex2


Traps x9

Dust Tornado

Torrential Tribute

Magic Jammer

Reckless Greed

Cumpulsory Evacuation Device x3

Tutan Mask



I need some help. Rate my deck and tell me what i should add and delete from this deck. thanx.

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Still doesn't excuse him for not checking the Ban and Restricted list.



3 skull servant

3 king of skull servent


Why would he run these outside of a dedicated Skull Servant deck?


skull servant decks are like any zombie deck. you just splash them in.



I run all those cards above in a deck, and it's really good, it took down DAD LS an GB


also you might want to run solemns side cold wave

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Still doesn't excuse him for not checking the Ban and Restricted list.



3 skull servant

3 king of skull servent


Why would he run these outside of a dedicated Skull Servant deck?


skull servant decks are like any zombie deck. you just splash them in.



I run all those cards above in a deck' date=' and it's really good, it took down DAD LS an GB


also you might want to run solemns side cold wave



Skull Servants aren't good except in their own Deck. They take up space of other needed cards like Lightning Vortex and Creature Swap. Also, why disk commander, I don't see Zombie World in that list.

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zombie world is only released in ocg and commander is for an alternative draw power with prema or monster...


Except that you could get Zombie Master back, which helps Zombies swarm, P turtle to get Ryu Kokki(which you are also missing), Il Blud to help swarm. Drawing two extra cards is irrelevant when you can get Zombie Master/Il Blud when you have COSR on the field.

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kokki' date=' i do not like,

a) only a beatstick

b) i would prefer to run vampires curse over kokki because he can summon himself


commander, secondary draw sorce,


lets say someone used heavy, destroying cosr. you top deck monster reborn, i would go for commander ftw,



Lol epic fail, ryu kokki is staple card in zombies until REZD is released

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