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MMT - Ninja Style!

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Well, I made this deck based off of Cheeselord's design, cards care changed because of money/originality. Fixes only for now.



3 Kuraz, the Light Monarch

3 Caius, the Shadow Monarch

1 Raiza, the Storm Monarch

1 Thestalos, the Firestorm Monarch

3 D.D. Survivor

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

3 D.D. Scout Plane

3 Cyber Valley



3 D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1 Machine Duplication

1 Light of Redemption

3 Dimensional Fissure

2 Lightening Vortex

2 Monster Gate

2 Reinforcement of The Army



2 Macro Cosmos

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Return From the Different Dimension

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot



Side Deck:

1 Gorz

2 Kinetic Soldier

1 Light of Redemption

1 Machine Duplication

2 Prohibition

3 Dust Tornado

2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

3 Threatening Roar

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Won't BOOTE...


Never mind. Your probably using BOOTE for Draws.


I don't see the "ninja" in this. Unless your refering to your username.


I don't see anything needing fixing. Other members will beg to differ, though.

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Won't BOotE...


Never mind.


I don't see the "ninja" in this.


1) What does "BOotE" mean' date=' sorry, I'm not good with certain abbreviations.


2) By "Ninja Style" I mean it's My(Shadow37[b']Ninja's[/b]) version.


Uber Edited mah post.


BOOTE = By Order of the Emperor.

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Add in some Solemn Judgments' date=' also get rid of the banishers in your side, there will be next to no situation in which they will be useful.



DO I look like I have $30 to spend on a single fricking card?


As for the Banishers: I'll take out one, but what would be usefull to replace for it?



@ Devil: If I could get Allure I would replace Monster Gate with it. Dups help get out Valley faster for draws, so taking them out would be kinda stupid.

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