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gigaplanteh "where the f*** did all theese plants come from"

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3 Gigaplant

3 Lonefire Blossom

3 UFO Turtle

2 Blazewing Butterfly

2 Cyber Dragon

1 sangan

1 snipe hunter

1 Spirit Reaper

1 grasschopper



3 Card of Safe Return

3 Swing of Memories

2 Foolish Burial

3 Lightning Vortex

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

1 Heavy Storm


1 Brain Control

3 creature swap (not soo hot tech im thinking of replacing with double summons)



3 dark bribes (yes i kno soulems are better but this was all my pal had 0.o, he swapped my friend a lot for thm :O)

1 Torrential Tribute

1 ultimate offering


me and my pals made this for one of my pals and wow its pretty awesome

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-2x foolish burial (usally onley used in the OTK version)

-1x grasschopper

+3x symbol of herratige (faster then birth right)


Solmn judgments are really needed if you can get a hold of them.(helps combat D.D crow)


You also need future fusion and the gemini fusion. (works better then foolish burial)


Also spirt reaper is ify, GB will love a spirt reaper on the field. mybe side deck the reaper.


How does cyber dragon play test? I nevertryed it in giga plant.


Regeki breaks or pwwb could work here with all the drawing power.

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But be perpared to combat 3x bottomless trape hole and 3x D.D crow. It will kill you'r deck, so you need outs like burial from a diffrent dimension or a side decked Return from a diffrent dimension. Solmn judgments will also help alot. I also think the beat down version is alot better myself, I have seen people however side into the OTK version.

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Guest setojim

its ok but too slow; here try this out:


Blazewing Butterfly

Blazewing Butterfly

Blazewing Butterfly




Lonefire Blossom

Lonefire Blossom

Lonefire Blossom

Toon Cannon Soldier


Card of Safe Return

Card of Safe Return

Card of Safe Return

Dragon's Mirror

Foolish Burial

Foolish Burial

Fusion Sage

Future Fusion

Hand Destruction

Hand Destruction

Hand Destruction

Mass Driver

Mass Driver

Mass Driver

Monster Reborn




Premature Burial




Swing of Memories

Swing of Memories

Swing of Memories

Toon Table of Contents

Toon Table of Contents

Toon Table of Contents

Upstart Goblin

Upstart Goblin

Upstart Goblin


(Extra Deck)



Superalloy Beast Raptinus

Superalloy Beast Raptinus

Superalloy Beast Raptinus

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