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Arceus cards NEW CARDS!!!


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    • The bottom pictures
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these are my first cards:



i am currently making more,so don't complain or say i have OGC errors...........yet.

i hope all pokemon fans like this.When i am online i am probably making more cards.


neo-arceus's effect:This card cannot be normal summoned or set.This card can only be special summoned by tributing 1"Arceus"equipped with "Reversal of Arceus".This card is not affected by spells,traps,or monster effects.If this card attacks and destroys a monster one the field you may activate one of these effects

.attack again once in a row

.destroy a spell or trap card on the field

.your opponent discards a card

.your opponent loses 800 life points

At your 13th end phase after this card is summoned,you win the duel.

NEXT:Fist Arceus(need unblurry pic)

NOTE:i cant make anymore Arceus monster cards because i need non-blurry pic because that is the reason i don't get good ratings

[spoiler=new pics for arceus]NEW PICS FOR ARCEUS:110950jk0.jpg110950ta0.jpg if you guys like it i will replace current ones with it.



Still need new pics for Arceus.

[spoiler=Holo Arceus]HOLO:23wtjefmx7.jpg3477amtjg8.jpgw1ux48qx8.jpg2jcc3h1.jpg15517cm.jpg2epkbb8.jpg


[spoiler=Arceus Merchandises]ARCEUS MERCHANDISES:112hjcyrb6.jpg210eo01tt0.jpgboosterrequest1.pngboosterrequest18.jpgboosterrequest18triplezi7.jpg


and the only place to get them all....

ARCEUS PLANET!!!(also available at hall of origin)


credits to Atomix


[spoiler=Neo-Arceus Merchandises]1zc1duo.jpgstructuredeckrequest15.jpgboosterrequest6.pngboosterrequest28-triple.jpgboosterrequest28.jpg


I do not own any of these images,the artist takes full credit.

people who made my arceus merchandises:Sportsplayer627,Atomix,DragonMasterAman,WhiteShadowGod,Kale,their stores are great,low price and high quality graphics.

All pictures of arcues are a registered trademark of Pokemon and i do not take any credit,pictures here are only used to improve the cards.

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i would also like to thanks Sportsplayer627 for making the booster packs,tin,and a holo version of arceus(mystic,dots,and lines!)

Atomix for the yu-gi-oh 5D booster pack and the planet.

DragonMasterAman for booster box.

WhiteShadowGod for making the structure deck.


Kale for making LODT style booster packs+triples and new structure deck.

and all of these people once again for helping me on my neo-arceus merchandises.

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At people who said arceus shouldn't be a synchro.i know synchros don't work that way but i wouldnt want people drawing a Flame arceus or something otherwise it would take up space and you would have to have it in your hand if you want to summon it another thing is like the neo specien NEX forms,they dont work like fusions because they are not made of 2 monster combined but they still have it in the extra deck so you can bring it out without needing to search your deck or have it in your hand.

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