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Plant Contest (COMPLETE!!!!!)


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Make a Plant-Type monster of your choosing based on originality of effect, card name, and image. SPELLING AND GRAMMER COUNT. The card must be balanced and have a reasonable ATK and DEF points as well as effect. DUE DATE AND DEADLINE: FRIDAY 27.



1st: 3 rep points

2nd: 2 rep points

3rd: 1 rep point


Enjoy and have fun creating!!!!!!!!

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[align=center]entry reserved


EDIT: Here it is:




And if you can't read the effect, here it is:

When this card is normal summoned, flip a coin. The effect of this card is determined by the result of the coin toss:

Heads - Decrease the attack of the monster with the highest attack points on your opponent's side of the field by 500 points.

Tails - Increase the defence of the monster with the highest defence points on your side of the field.[/align]

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