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My Light Deck

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Yes, I know...


I made a light deck 0_o


Monster Cards


1x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

1x Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid

1x Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon

1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

2x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

1x Tualatin

1x Silent Swordsman LV3

1x Silent Swordsman LV5

1x Silent Swordsman LV7

1x Silent Magician LV4

1x Silent Magician LV8

1x Dimensional Alchemist

1x Cyber Dinosaur

1x Cyber Dragon

1x Marsmallon

1x Gilford the Lightning

1x King's Knight

1x Jack's Knight

1x Queen's Knight

1x Kaiser Sea Horse

1x Satellite Cannon

1x DUCKER Mobile Cannon

1x Prime Material Dragon

1x Airknight Parshath


Monsters = 28


Spell Cards


1x Black Pendant

1x Infinite Cards

1x Heavy Storm

1x Book of Moon

1x Question

1x Level Modulation


Spells = 6


Trap Cards


1x Spellbinding Circle

1x Metalmorph

1x Glorious Illusion

1x Waboku

1x Light Spiral


Traps = 6


Deck = 40 Cards


I defiantly need to add spells / traps or remove monsters...Help please!





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Yes' date=' I know...


I made a light deck 0_o


[b']Monster Cards[/b]


1x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

1x Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid

1x Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon

1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

2x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

1x Tualatin

1x Silent Swordsman LV3

1x Silent Swordsman LV5

1x Silent Swordsman LV7

1x Silent Magician LV4

1x Silent Magician LV8

1x Dimensional Alchemist

1x Cyber Dinosaur

1x Cyber Dragon

1x Marsmallon

1x Gilford the Lightning

1x King's Knight

1x Jack's Knight

1x Queen's Knight

1x Kaiser Sea Horse

1x Satellite Cannon

1x DUCKER Mobile Cannon

1x Prime Material Dragon

1x Airknight Parshath


Monsters = 28


Spell Cards


1x Black Pendant

1x Infinite Cards

1x Heavy Storm

1x Book of Moon

1x Question

1x Level Modulation


Spells = 6


Trap Cards


1x Spellbinding Circle

1x Metalmorph

1x Glorious Illusion

1x Waboku

1x Exchange of the Spirit

1x Light Spiral


Traps = 6


Deck = 40 Cards


I defiantly need to add spells / traps or remove monsters...Help please!





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I could rant for a few days but i liek this, it sums it up: "Holy 1 card usage Batman!"


Too complicated? Well here's a few points:


1. No apparent theme. Randomness never won anything.

2. No apparent win condition. You can't win if you can't win.

3. No consistency. You're not going to draw into your key cards.

4. Look at your M/S/T count. It looks a little funked up to me.

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CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM! ever heard of it...? I calmly asked which cards are illegal...and you yell for saying it sucks and that is illegal rubble when there is 1 ILLEGAL card. Just so you know' date=' you started it


explain how it sucks



9. The Jack Witt Clause


All deck topics are treated as rate and fix topics. This means that, when you post your deck, you will receive comments and evaluations of the deck's quality from other members and suggestions as to how to improve it. If you cannot deal with this, then do not post your deck. If you post your deck and then show that you cannot or will not accept constructive criticism, you will not only appear childish but also run the risk of having your topics closed.



On Topic: This deck lacks a theme other than its a Light deck. Your monster lineup is huge and bad. Your spell and trap lineup is ineffective.

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