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Kuraz with Bushi Deck Contest

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What deck could be competitive, that runs 3 Bushis and 3 Kuraz.


Bushi is a sometimes main or sided card in bushido or samurai.


Kuraz has only found it's way into magical explosion and the occasional chimeratech.


Put together they can have massive hand advantage, but it seems no one has made a deck for them.


Please discuss pros and cons of this type and style of decks.


If you know what you are doing, please post a decklist please budget, I will give a rep to the person who has the best decklist out of the first five, and to the member who points out most of the pro's and cons.

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Hmm, could be interesting, I'll give it a shot.


Monsters: 20


Kuraz the Light Monarch x3

Freed the Matchless General

Destiny Hero - Dasher x2

Destiny Hero - Malicious x2


The Immortal Bushi x3

Armegeddon Knight x3

Destiny Hero - Disc Commander

Spell Striker x2

Elemental Hero Stratos

Elemental Hero Wildheart x2


Spells: 14


Reinforcement of the Army x2

Card of Safe Return x3

The Warrior Returning Alive x2

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Brain Control


Smashing Ground



Traps: 6


Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Dimensional Prison x2


How's that? ^_^ I think the lack of a big scary card (Like DAD, Heraklinos, JD, etc.) Could be a problem. I was thinking of throwing a Shien in, but that would be really bad too. Just swarm them with low ATK Warriors I guess. XD

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Guest setojim

instead of arm knight, you could use dark grepher. Maybe foolish burial? IDK. Arm and malicious are kinda hard to replace

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