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In America!

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Since it's the 4th, here are some American based cards. Remember, all these cards were made....... in America! (If you get it, you get a cookie, lol.)


U.S. Constitution

Type: Continuous Trap Card

Effect: Select 1 face-up "Freedom Fighter", "Lady Liberty", "American Man", or "Flag Patriot" on the field. As long as this card is face-up on the field, the selected monster can't be destroyed by battle. If this card is destroyed, the selected monster is destroyed. During each of your Standby Phase pay 100 Life Points, if you can not this card is destroyed.


Amendment 1: Freedom of Press

Type: Quick-Play Spell Card

Effect: Your opponent declares monster, magic, or trap. Then, both players add 1 card from their deck to their hand that match that type.


Amendment 2: Right to Bare Arms

Type: Normal Spell Card

Effect: Pay 500 Life Points to activate this card. Add 1 Equip Spell card from your deck or Graveyard to your hand.


Amendment 6: Right to a Speedy Trial

Type: Normal Spell Card

Effect: Each player chooses 1 monster on their side of the field and sends it to the Graveyard.


Amendment 24: Abolishment of Poll Tax

Type: Continuous Spell Card

Effect: This card can only be activated while "U.S. Constitution" is on the field. The controller of this card doesn't have to pay Life Points to keep "U.S. Constitution" on the field.


Amending of the Constitution!

Type: Normal Spell Card

Effect: This card can only be activated when you have a face-up "U.S. Constitution" on the field, and a "Amendment 24: Abolishment of Poll Tax" in the graveyard. Destroy "U.S. Constitution" (the selected monster is not destroyed), then you can add 1 "Amendment 1: Freedom of Press", "Amendment 2: Right to Bare Arms", and Amendment 6: Right to a Speedy Trial", from your deck, or Graveyard to your hand.


Writing of the Constitution

Type: Normal Spell Card

Effect: Discard 2 cards from your hand, then add 1 "U.S. Constitution" from your deck to your hand.


Lady Liberty

Level: 4

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:1100 DEF:1800

Effect: If an opponent's monster attacks a face-up "Freedom Fighter", "American Man", or "Flag Patriot", you can switch the attack target to this card.


Freedom Fighter

Level: 4

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:1600 DEF:1400

Caption: This warrior has seen oppression and fights to keep his country free.


Majestic Eagle Spirit

Level: 3

Attribute: Light

Type: Winged Beast/Union

ATK:500 DEF:500

Effect: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to a face-up monster you control as an Equip Spell Card, OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. This card can not be equip to a face-up "Lady Liberty" or "Freedom Fighter". When this card is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Lady Liberty" or "Freedom Fighter" from your deck. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the monster that this card is equipped to is destroyed, this card is destroyed instead.)


Flag Patriot

Level: 8

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior/ Ritual

ATK:2700 DEF:2400

Effect: This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Flag Monument". Once per turn, you can pay 500 Life Points to shuffle 1 card from your Graveyard into your deck.


Flag Monument

Type: Ritual Spell Card

Effect: This card is used to Ritual Summon "Flag Patriot". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.


Liberty's Torch

Type: Equip Spell Card

Effect: A face-up monster equip with this card can not attack your opponent directly. Increase the attack of the equipped monster by 200 points for each face-up Warrior monster you control. When this card is destoryed and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to shuffle it back into your deck.


Star Spangled Sword

Type: Equip Spell Card

Effect: This card can only be equip to one face-up "Liberty Lady", Freedom Fighter", or "Flag Patriot". When the equipped monster attacks, no Trap Cards can be activated. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to shuffle it back into your deck.


The Founding Fathers

Level: 3

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:200 DEF:1300

Effect: Tribute this face-up card to negate the effect of a Continuous Trap Card. If this card attacks your opponent directly, add one Continuous Trap Card from your Graveyard to your deck.


Liberty Hall

Type: Field Spell Card

Effect: Increase the ATK of all face-up Warrior monsters by 200. When a face-up "Liberty Lady", "Freedom Fighter", "American Man", or "Flag Patriot" is destroyed by battle you can discard one card from your hand to shuffle it back into your deck. Neither player can activate any Continuous Trap Cards as long as this card is face-up on the field.


Jr. Soldier

Level: 2

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:500 DEF:700

Discription: Watching his family go off to war, this child dreams of defending his country.


Time for War!

Type: Normal Spell Card

Effect: Tribute 1 "Jr. Soldier" on your side of the field to Special Summon 1 "Freedom Fighter" from your hand or deck.


Protector of Liberty & Freedom

Level: 7

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior/Fusion

ATK:2400 DEF:2000

Discription: Lady Liberty + Freedom Fighter


Now I also made a Civil War based set.....


Seperation of the Union

Type: Normal Trap Card

Effect: Pay 500 Life Points points to Special Summon 1 "Confederate" monster from your Graveyard. The monster Special Summoned by this effect is destoryed during the End Phase this card was activated.


Confederate Guard LV.8

Level: 8

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:1950 DEF:3300

Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Confederate Guard LV 6." As long as you control this face-up monster, you opponent cannot select a Defense Postion monster you control as an attack target.


Confederate Guard LV.6

Level: 6

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:1850 DEF:2700

Effect: While this card is face-up in Defense Position, your opponent can only choose this card as a attack target. During your Standby Phase, you can tribute this face-up card to Special Summon one "Confederate Guard LV.8" from your hand or deck.


Confederate Guard LV.4

Level: 4

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:1300 DEF:1900

Effect: This card can not attack your opponent directly. During your Standby Phase, you can tribute this face-up card to Special Summon one "Confederate Guard LV.6" from your hand or deck.


Confederate General

Level: 6

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:2000 DEF:2000

Effect: You can discard 1 "Lady Liberty" from your hand to Special Summon 1 "Confederate Soldier" from your deck. If you use this effect, this monster cannot attack this turn.


Confederate Soldier

Level: 4

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:1600 DEF:1700

Discription: Fighting for his vaules, this soldier is feirce on any battlefield.


Confederate General- Lee

Level: 8

Attribute: Light

Type: Warrior

ATK:3100 DEF:2300

Effect: This card can only be Summoned by tributing 2 monsters on your side of the field with "Confederate" in their names. This card may attack twice during the Battle Phase.


Lee's Last Stand

Type: Quick-Play Spell Card

Effect: Discard all the cards in your hand. If you have a face-up "Confederate General- Lee", you must only discard 1 card. End your opponent's Battle Phase.

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Cool cards, but they have some major grammar and OCG errors.


For grammar, remember:

1. "i" before "e" except after "c".

2. "Its" is possessive, "It's" = "It is"


For OCG errors:

1. It's "can" not "may" in card text.

2. When using numbers, don't spell it out. Use the actual number itself. Not "one", but "1".

3. For Confederate Guard LV 8's effect, it should probably read:

"This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Confederate Guard LV 6." As long as you control this face-up monster, you opponent cannot select a defense postion monster you control as an attack target.

4. For Confederate General's last sentence in its effect should read:

"If you use this effect, this monster cannot attack this turn."

5. Confederate General - Lee is overpowered. He only requires 1 Tribute, has high ATK, and can attack twice per turn. You should probably have his effect changed to:

"This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by Tributing 3 monsters with at least 1 being a "Confederate" monster...

6. You need to make Majestic Eagle Spirit's effect less confusing. Is it a Union monster, that can't be equipped to Lady Liberty, Freedom Fighter, American Man, or Flag Patriot?

7. Also, is The U.S. Constitution a Continuous Trap Card or an Equip Spell card because in Amending the Constitution!, that card says:

The monster it's equipted to is not destroyed.


There are other errors, but I don't want to nag you ears (actually your eyes) off.


But, I like these cards. They have great effects, and could probably make a good Deck when combined with other cards.


Anyways, that all for now.


Happy 4th of July and enjoy the fireworks wherever you may be.

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Thx TCL, lol I made these cards when I was just starting out and never edited them again (will do now). And any fixes you have please say them, thats the only way they'll get better!


Update: I fixed the errors stated above and any others I found, for Mejestic Eagle Spirit I used a Unions monsters text to get it right this time. :)

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