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Dragon Guard


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friend told me this place was good to post decks and such, so i thought, what the hell. also, can i say hell? im terrible with board rules and such.


on to the deck

originally i started this as a blue-eyes red-eyes, then dropped the red-eyes, then eventually the blue eyes. they were just too vulnerable, so i decided to shift the design of the deck to protecting its powerful monsters, rather than just getting them out. i had to sacrifice a great deal of power, obviously, but its not bad, it seems to work well at least.


here it is, in its 46 card glory.


Light and darkness dragon x 1

Van’dalgyon the dark dragon lord x 1

Prime material dragon x 2

Masked dragon x 3

Exploder dragon x 2

Luster dragon x 3

Man-eater bug x 1

Mirage dragon x 2

Troop dragon x 3

Spear dragon x 3

Lord of D. x 3


Flute of summoning dragon x 1

Mystical space typhoon x 1

Heavy storm x 1

Monster reborn x 1

Premature burial x 1

Stamping destruction x 2

Soul exchange x 1

Nobleman of crossout x 1

Lighting vortex x 1


Dragon’s rage x 1

Spell shield type-8 x 1

Magic drain x 2

Seven tools of the bandit x 2

Trap jammer x 1

Counter counter x 1

Dust tornado x 1

Sakuretsu armor x 1

Burst breath x 1



a quick run-down of the basic strategy:

-the excess of countertraps work to A, guard the monsters, and B, get out van'dalgyon, whos effects have won me a great many duels.

-the troops and mask dragons work as stallers more or less, but its good to have them because theres a few important tribute monsters that wouldnt get out if they didnt have soemthing to tribute.

-exploders work mainly for those hard-to-kill monsters that my lack of attack power (3000 max, with mountain in effect) cant kill. same with man-eater.

-the mountain is really just for field control, but the attack boost is nice. alot of decks rely heavily on the field spot, such as clocktowers or necrovalleys, or neo-space stuff. all that good crap. so its nice to have something in your deck built to take the field spot in the name of dragons. (and thunder and winged-beast...)

-the flute isnt just in there for the one-in-a-hundred flute-lord-dragonrape combo. its also there for discard fodder. since its a spell, it not only works for traditional discard costs (like prime material's), but also for the specific ones like spell shield.

-counter counter is not only funny, but useful, so shush.

-prime materials guard against burn decks and destruction decks. discarding from my hand is a pain, but i can usually make the sacrifice.

-light and darkness is a good waster. opponents will immediately activate handfuls of effects to lower its attack, thinking theyre clever, but theyre really just wasting handfuls of effects. not like they have a choice though

-the mirages and lords are just more protection for dragons.

-aside from that its alot of basic cards like vortex and reborn and such.


alrighty, what do you all think?


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Van Dalgyon cant work to its full potential in a regular dragon deck. Same goes with Light and Darkness Dragon. You can run Blue-Eyes effectively with of course the right cards.

Heres the link to my Blue-Eyes based deck: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=51132

If you have any questions or comments relating to the deck, feel free to ask.

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the disadvantage to this deck is that it can be beaten by excessive strength. hence the man-eater. i could see dropping cylinder though.


mountain has a lot of uses, if for only knocking another field card out of play. if it means the difference of one card, it seems worth it.

but van'dalgyon and the countertraps work together excellently in the deck. plus its 28 attack and instant special summon ability make it an excellent card for quick beat-downs. ive simply decided against blue eyes and red eyes because theyre too involved and for not much gain. i even tried running king dragun for a while, but it was just too many cards for too little gain. lords suffice.


any other thoughts

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there are alot of decks that rely heavily or at least somewhat on the field spot. the 200 attack and defense boost isnt as important as knocking out a clock tower prison with 3 counters on it, or destroying a legendary ocean when the opponent has tornado wall or daedalus dragons or something crazy like that


generally you could just hit them with a typhoon or a tornado, but thats silly when you could spend those important m/t's on something more important. use tornado on a swords or messenger or soemthing. meanwhile ills till get a 200 attk and def boost :P

its just one card, dont tear it apart on one alone.

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ok, mountain and m/t destruction sidedecked, cylinder removed, im keeping the man-eater.


any other constructive criticism?

perhaps a cave dragon would be effective for its attack strength?

once the effects, magic, and traps are all negated, the only thing this deck needs to do is maintain control of the field in terms of attack strength. the lusters and spears help for that, and the troops and masks stall efficiently and keep monsters on the field for tribute purposes.

any other ideas?

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the lords have their uses. if nothing else they serve as a stall, but for field support they work well. people will always waste the good effects and attacks getting rid of a lord of d.



and the flute is useful for more than just its effect. prime material requires discard fodder to function effectively, as does the lightning vortex, and spell shield needs a spell to be discarded for its extra effect.

on the rare instance of its effect being used, its usually ridiculously op.

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the lords have their uses. if nothing else they serve as a stall' date=' but for field support they work well. people will always waste the good effects and attacks getting rid of a lord of d.



and the flute is useful for more than just its effect. prime material requires discard fodder to function effectively, as does the lightning vortex, and spell shield needs a spell to be discarded for its extra effect.

on the rare instance of its effect being used, its usually ridiculously op.



*shrugs shoulders* I'm still not sure If you should use the lords and the flute, but If they have worked for you in the past, then more power to you...


I'd still consider adding some high level dragons and a couple of trade ins... it could help speed this deck up a little...

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