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Now this is my new RP, Kingdom Hearts: Curse of the Slayers. Here is everything




This takes place about a year after KH2 ended. Sora, Kairi, Riku are just laying on the beach when simething wierd happaned a took them to Hollow Bastion. They then soon find out that something called the Slayers just took over the shadows and becoming more powerful by the minute.


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Side: (Keybladers or Slayers)







Hollow Bastion / Radient Garden

Ninja Village (Naruto)

Hogwarts (Harry Potter)

Pride Lands (Lion King)

Halloween Town


Atlantis (The Little Mermaid)

Open Seas (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Olympic Coliseum


[my memory hurts, so if you have world that you would like on here then just say so]




Coming Soon..........................[/align]


Once we have around 5 members we can start

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If it's after KH2, then Hollow Bastion should be called Radient Garden.

Name: Lance

Age: 19

Side: Keybladers

Weapons: Long Katana (Not as long as seph's, but longer than most katana

Powers: Fires

Abilities: Can channel fire into his blade and attack with devastating fire attacks

Peronality: He's a mix of Riku and Sora. He's cheerful, adventureous, brave and strong,

while calm, cool headed and serious in battle.

Bio: Lance was born in Zanarken (I forgot how to spell that, it's from FFX). All his life Lance has searched for his place. When sin came and destroyed Zanarken, he was thrust into another world, and excaped the destruction. He arrived in Merlin's house and was granted the power of fire. He was also given a Katana from Leon. He now protects Radiant Garden with the rest of the group.



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Name: Jamin Tsubasa

Age: 17

Side: Keybladers

Weapons: Phoenix Wing - A large scarlet and yellow sword in the shape of an outstretched wing. With this weapon Jamin's powers over fire and wind are enhanced and he can summon a shield of flame around himself that deflects magic attacks for a few seconds.

Dragon's Claw - A silver and black sword. Jamin rarely ever uses this but when he does he can create black flames from the sword that can incinerate almost anything but drains his own energy and the more he uses it the more the darkness in his heart grows.

Bio: Originally from Hollow Bastion, however his family has lived in hiding for almost three years. During this time Jamin learned to control both his light side and his dark side.

Appearance: Short and stocky with shoulder length sand brown hair and gray eyes. He often wears baggy gray trousers, a red shirt and a pair of fingerless gloves.

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Name: Jun Tsubasa

Age: 15

Side: Slayers

Weapons: Handgun, Knife, Silver Bullet (not very accurate but cause great damage), He can steal souls...

Bio: Jamin Tsubasa little brother... its a Shaman... also the owner of the Ring of Mist

Appearance: Black Hair, Brown Eyes, a gray Ring ( Ring of Mist ), a chain mail, jeans, and boots..

Weakness: White Magic.

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name roscuro

age 27

side: keybladers

bio: as every kingdom hearts fan knows, when a man succumbs to the darkness in his heart he is transformed into a heartless, and those with strong wills leave behind a nobody, Roscuro is unique because when he had his heart taken he left a powerful heartless and nobody, but those 2 met and they fused (into what i call an Emptiness) and he was transformed into his old self but with all of his heartless and nobody powers. he also has the abbility to communicate with both sides and has a small group of followers. he fight the slayers alongside the keybladers to rescue the realm of darkness, only king micky trusts him.

abbilities: besides his formidible darkness and nobody powers, Roscuro was the strongest light magic user when he was alive and can now use them to a point (though not as strong as he used to, but it is still ridiculosly powerful). Roscuro also wields a dark keyblade with the power to open the gate of hearts, sacrificing them to darkness or allowing them to embrace the light, but he can also seal hearts with a normal keyblade giving him power over hearts (which is alot less corny then it sounds)

weapons dark keyblade


light key blade



image amnael.png

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