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Cloudian Support Cards

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I was making a deck for Ruby's fic

and I made these cards so enjoy! More might be added so... yeah...


Cloudian - Strato

[WATER / Level 5 / Fairy-effect / Once per turn you can select 1 monster on the field. Remove all Fog Counters from the monster and deal damage to your opponent equal to the number of Fog Counter removed x300. If the selected card

was in your control, destroy the card. This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position destroy this card. / 1800-0]


Obedient Angel

[LIGHT / level 4 / Fairy-Effect / If this card is in your hand when your opponent declares an attack against a Fairy-Type monster you can add the attack target to your hand and Special Summon this card. Switch the attack to this card. If "Sanctuary in the Sky" is face-up on your side of the field when this card is destroyed you can discard 2 cards to add this card to your hand. / 1300-500]


Cloudian Strato-Nimbus

[WATER / Level 8 / Fairy-Effect-Fusion / If this card is in the Extra Deck after the effect of "Diamond Dust Cyclone" or "Updraft" resolves and "Cloudian - Nimbusman" and "Cloudian - Strato" are on you side of the field or in your hand you can discard them to Special Summon this card. This Card Can Only be Special Summoned by its effect. Once per turn you can remove up to 10 Fog Counters from the field to inflict damage to your opponent for each Fog Counter x500. This card gains 500 ATK for every Fog Counter on the field. This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position this card. / ?-0]

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Cloudian Strato-Nimbus doesn't seem to have correct OCG but it's a confusing card so i wont try to tell you it, because? well really i don't know either.


Obedient Angel, seems alittle pointless to me but ya know if you had Spirit Barrier...


Ok cards i suppose i would probly use em in my C Deck

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