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[REQ] Render Request [75 Points]


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I need these 2 pics rendered, yes they are of selena gomez, so what <.<


I will give 75 points...


Text on Graphic:


Size: Any

Type of Graphic: Renders

Requested Artist: I dont Care

Other Comments: Render them good please

Images for Graphic:
















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Guest Tiger

I will try...I might fail, I am not extreamly good.


Also I have a question. Should I keep the shadow on the first picture?


[spoiler=This is an example of one of my renders]


This is an example of one of my renders, tell me if you like it. If you don't I will not do the render because this is the only way I do it.




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Guest Tiger

Sorry, I can't do it soon. Somthing came up and I have to go on my laptop for a month, so I won't be rendering, or anything like that. Sorry. :(


But if you can wait a month, thats fine.

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Red is usually easily remedied, I find blue a worse colour. I'll try to get on with it today. After all the JACK rendering yesterday, it'll be nice to do something new. Since I'm bored I'll attempt all 3 =D at no extra cost first RL renders since I did one of Jonathan Togo last year


Time Taken: 50mins approx







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