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~ Chidori-Kun

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can u correct the ocg

When this card is Flip Summoned, Normal Summoned, Special Summoned Choose 1 of the following effects:

-This card can attack all monsters your opponent's controls once each.

-Your opponent Discards 1 card for every Monster in his/her side of the field.

-Destroy all cards on the field and you opponent loses 100x for each card sent to the Graveyard.

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Can U Correct These OCG


[spoiler=A Devil In The Dark ]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 4 Warrior-Type monsters from your Graveyard. Your opponent cannot select another Warrior-Type monster you control as an attack target. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK of the destroyed monster.


[spoiler=Ace, The Soul Catcher]This card can attack your opponent directly. Each time this card successfully attacks directly, it gains 800 ATK.


[spoiler=Assassin of Twin Blades]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play a Warrior-Type monster(s) in your Graveyard. The original ATK and DEF of this card become the number of Warrior-Type monsters you removed from play when you Special Summoned this card x 500.


[spoiler=Caedo, Lord of Night]This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card attacks, Trap cards cannot be activated . When this card destroys a monster and sends it to the Graveyard, you can discard 1 card from your hand to make this card attack again during the same Battle Phase.


[spoiler=Dark Assassin]If this card attacks an opponent's face-down monster, immediately destroy it without activating Flip Effects.


[spoiler=Felkor The Hidden]If this card attacks a face-down monster your opponent controls, destroy it with this cards efect without applying Damage Calculation (Any Flip effects are negated).



[spoiler=Sweet Suicide]When this monster is destroyed, destroy all monster with and ATK higher then this monster on your Opponent's side of the Field


[spoiler=The Assassination]During each of your Standby Phases, Special Summon 1 "Assassin Token" (Warrior-Type/DARK/LEVEL 1/ATK 500/DEF 500) in Attack Position to your side of the field for each Warrior-Type monster that was destroyed by battle during the previous Battle Phase. Pay 1500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you do not, destroy this card.


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