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~ Chidori-Kun

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Hey, after seeing some little common ocg errors in cards, I thought I could help people with their ocg. Now I do with low prices.



Let's say you have a card that you are having trouble with it's ocg or you're just lazy. I'll pm me the effect and I'll pm you the correct ocg for 4 points.





If your having hard a hard time with pics, post the card name and I will pm the link to pic to you. If you do not like it, I will look for others for it.

The cost is 6 points.




[spoiler=Names or Effects]

Names and effects can be annoying, so pm the pic of the card to me and I will try to come up with something.

Names = 2 Points

Effects = 8 points





I can crop pics you pm me like so they fit perfectly in your cards. I will pm them back to you in a url

cost= 4 points




I'll critique you cards and tell you what to do to enhance them. Please only pm for this.

Cost = 3 points





Send Pic, pac name and color of name....

5 Points



[spoiler=Sig Removal]

Can remove sigs form pics.

2 Points



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critqe and pic pay after and pls pm 72991mh5.jpg and thanks 4 helping me k I will pay 10 points oh


effect=Flip:add 1 Fiend-type monster from your deck to your hand. When this card attacks your opponent's Life Points direcly Special Summon 1 "Dark Imp Token" (Fiend-type/Dark/Level1/ ATK 500/DEF 300) on your side of the field.If there is a Fiend-type monster in your graveyard, Special Summon 1 Fiend-type monster from your hand with 1500ATK or less by tributing the Dark Imp token.

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critqe and pic pay after and pls pm 72991mh5.jpg and thanks 4 helping me k I will pay 10 points oh


effect=Flip:add 1 Fiend-type monster from your deck to your hand. When this card attacks your opponent's Life Points direcly Special Summon 1 "Dark Imp Token" (Fiend-type/Dark/Level1/ ATK 500/DEF 300) on your side of the field.If there is a Fiend-type monster in your graveyard' date=' Special Summon 1 Fiend-type monster from your hand with 1500ATK or less by tributing the Dark Imp token.



Please Pm me next time

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