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My D-Hero Deck

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hi, i posted this deck a while back when it was not very good but i think i has come a long way, anyway here it is my d-hero deck



dreadmaster x2

malicious x2

plasma x1

dogma x1

dasher x1

stratos x1

diamond dude x2

fear monger x2

disk commander x1

dread servant x1

mystic tomato x3

sangan x1

spirit reaper x1



clock tower prison x2


allure of darkness x1

foolish burial x1

prem x1

reborn x1

lightning vortex x1

brain control x1

terraforming x1

heavy storm x1


pot of avarice x1

MST x1



d- counter x2

d- shield x2

eternal dread x1

malevolent catastrophe x1


total card 40


well thats it, and i know i need more draw power and a mirror force, but other than that please tell me what you think i accept any and all comments.

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