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Dark Simorgh Deck ~ Contains Unreleased Cards

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Monsters: 22


Dark Simorgh x3

Messenger of Hades - Gors

Raiza the Storm Monarch

Destiny Hero - Malicious x2


Soldier of Mist Valley x3

Turbo Warrior x2

Elemental Hero Stratos

Slate Warrior x2


Destiny Hero - Fear Monger x2

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

D.D. Crow

Spirit Reaper


Spells: 13


Mystical Space Typhoon


Destiny Draw x2

Book of Moon

Brain Control

Foolish Burial

Reinforcement of the Army

Heavy Storm

Allure of Darkness x2

Giant Trunade

Monster Reborn


Traps: 7

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Limit Reverse

Crush Card Virus

Bottomless Trap Hole

Anti Spell Fragrance x2


Extra Deck:


Mist Wurm x2

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary x3

Stardust Dragon x3

Red Archfiend Dragon

Goyou Guardian x2

Dark End Dragon

Black Rose Dragon x2

Turbo Warrior x2


I'm sure you've noticed many of these cards haven't been released. If you haven't heard of any, please consult yugioh.wikia.com. The idea of the deck is to get Dark Simorgh and Ant-Spell Fragrance at the same time, making it so that your opponent can't do anything but play monsters in attack position. Oh, and there's some Synchro fun too with Soldier of Mist Valley and Turbo Warrior


Any suggestions?

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