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Machine Beatdown

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I'm not to good with Machines...here is my attempt at making them.





Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon



Non Tributes:16

Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive[Testing Light Hex Sealed Fusions over this]

Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive[Testing Light Hex Sealed Fusions over this]

Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive[Testing Light Hex Sealed Fusions over this]

Cyber Phoenix

Cyber Phoenix

Cyber Phoenix

Blue Thunder

Blue Thunder

Legendary Jujitsu Master

Legendary Jujitsu Master

Card Trooper

D.D. Crow

Spirit Reaper

Snipe Hunter

D.D. Warrior Lady







Pot of Avarice[Testing a Power Bond over this]

Heavy Storm

Future Fusion

Monster Reborn

Limiter Removal


Mystical Space Typhoon

Brain Control

Lightning Vortex[Testing a Power Bond over this]

Premature Burial

Overload Fusion



Reckless Greed

Reckless Greed

Reckless Greed

Bottomless Trap Hole

Bottomless Trap Hole

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Return from the Different Dimension




Reaper on the Nightmare

Chimeratech Overdragon

Cyber Twin Dragon

Cyber End Dragon

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus


This deck needs help, however I don't know what to do. I have Gyzarus in my fusion deck so I put my fusion deck upside down(revealing Gyzarus) to make my opponent think I'm running Gladiator Beasts.

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RftDD for otk?


How did I miss that?


If you're not good with machines' date=' it's a nice try:).



Explain. I know I have cards that don't support the theme. D.D. Warrior Lady is tech against many threats and Facedowns if I have Chimeratech. Jujitsu Master makes sure they have no monsters if I could swing for game next turn.


-Dekoichis for Light Hexes.


-Vortex and Avarice for Power Bonds.


A little more power from making your Twins OTK worthy. Could add a few Ancient Gears in and make it a UAGG kinda deck.

I will test that. I don't like Ancient Gears in here though.


You can use Allure' date=' you have 8 targets


Will try to pick them up.

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-Dekoichis for Light Hexes.


-Vortex and Avarice for Power Bonds.


A little more power from making your Twins OTK worthy. Could add a few Ancient Gears in and make it a UAGG kinda deck.


No. Deckowichi provide a draw and it feeds future fusion. Power bound is bad. Now whith pwwb and regeki break is bieng played more and more you probibly won't get through. Also Ancient gears are horriable and always will be horriable.


+2 jinzo

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