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Half-Dragon Pictures Request! <re-opening>

Bal Lance

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OPEN AGAIN, but please don't give me so many pictures that you make me temporarily close again. THANKS. Especially if lots of the pictures are bad XD no offense. lots of those are good. I prefer quality over quantiy, and need more pictures for spells and traps -_-'


Attention ANYONE! I am looking for half-dragon pictures for cards. I will pay 1-5 maybe more points per picture depending how good it is. Please make sure it is not a dinosaur, or some other reptile. :lol: (someone gave me some kind of human-trisaratops wizard thing when I asked for a half-dragon wizard -_- ) PLease make sure it is not currently in use, for I will not pay for dragon pictures I am already using. (Half-Dragon Cards in Signature). Also I probably won't pay much for pictures that are VERY SIMILAR to a picture I am already using, unless it is better and I replace it. (such as the one you give me has a backround the one I have doesn't, or just a better picture in general)

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