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Rise Of The Under World Booster Pack


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I'll give you a rate of 5/10.


Good Things:

-Images (including pack's image)




Bad Things:

-This point may seem weird but, if you notice in most cards, the details have a special kind and word-choosing, that is not included in the cards here.

-There is actually some broken-ness in the cards.

-The Devil Equipment cards, aren't so good tbh.


Things You Might Wanna See:

-Visit the link: http://www.freedict.com/onldict/jap.html There you could get names for your monsters, e.g. Instead of "Mighty Devil", make it more original like "Tsuyoi Devil"

-You can always find good pictures at http://deviantart.com or http://sheezyart.com instead of browsing the hard Google Images

-If you don't like deviantART or SheezyArt you can use Yahoo! Images, they're much better for card images than Google Images. (Google = too comprehensive)

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Yes, most ARE pretty broken, but I'm having trouble thinking of more accurate effects. I didn't find a better image on any of the sites, I like to use 3D art, like that Devil card. The sites you showed had nice art work, but there was only sketches and drawings. As of the Devil Equip Spells, Devil's Dynamite does stink, but the whole point of them is to strengthen Mighty Devil. Mighty Devil is a name I want to replace, but your hot link never actualy comes up. I do appreciate your feedback and I WOULD like to get to that first link you suggested.

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