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Ultimate Baseball Kid Deck


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Deck: 42


Monsters: 13


3| Ultimate Baseball Kid

3| UFO Turtle

2| Marauding Captain

2| Command Knight

1| Sangan

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Snipe Hunter


Spells: 16


3| Wave-Motion Cannon

2| Poison of the Old Man

2| Inferno Reckless Summon

2| Reinforcement of the Army

1| Lightning Vortex

1| Swords of Revealing Light

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Level Limit - Area B



Traps: 13


3| Just Desserts

3| Secret Barrel

3| Solemn Judgment

1| Ojama Trio

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Gravity Bind

1| Ceasefire


Fixes only please =3

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maybe add a raging flame sprite..!!


I think no, too easy to destroy, low stats, Pyro, not a Warrior so doesn't get defense from Captain and Command, and doesn't get the boost from Command Knight, that should sum things up...

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maybe add a raging flame sprite..!!


I think no' date=' too easy to destroy, low stats, Pyro, not a Warrior so doesn't get defense from Captain and Command, and doesn't get the boost from Command Knight, that should sum things up...



yes but pyro for ub kid and with gravity bind can be very good combo but its your deck

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maybe add a raging flame sprite..!!


I think no' date=' too easy to destroy, low stats, Pyro, not a Warrior so doesn't get defense from Captain and Command, and doesn't get the boost from Command Knight, that should sum things up...



yes but pyro for ub kid and with gravity bind can be very good combo but its your deck


I know, but it's useless, TOO EASY TO DESTROY!! Plus, it can lead to a dead draw >_> Believe me, I know what that feels like <_< Plus, with the low stats RGS has, ugh, I'm better of with it an a burn deck, where there are Solar Flare Dragons >_<

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Anybody else?


I got this suggestion from another site where I posted this deck' date=' they suggested me to -2 Poison of the Old Man, - Lightning Vortex and +3 Solar Flare Dragon, should I do that?




If you somehow miraclously managed to get all three SFD's on the field, your opponent couldn't attack and you would deal 1500 damage at the end of every one of your turns.


So, probably not.

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