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Cards of Mass Destruction

Falling Pizza

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If you draw this card you lose the duel. You may special summon this card into your opponents deck by sacrificing 5 monsters on your side of the field. Search your deck for this card, place it in the middle of your opponents deck, then you both shuffle your deck. If your opponent draws this card from his/her deck, you may sacrifice 3 monsters on your side of the field during the turn it's drawn. If you do this, you win the duel.

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Good if you in a jam aswell;


*Fades to dream-sequence with thes sound of a harp as music*

Narrator: "The match score is currently 1-0 in Falling Pizza's favor, but..."


"Falling Pizza's lifepoints: 300

Yugi's lifepoints: 7100"


Falling Pizza: (Looking evil) "Hahaha! I ritual summon Armageddon..."

Yugi: "Blast!"

End-of-episode narrator: "Can Yugi prevail to win the third Duel and force the draw? Will Falling Pizza become the first villian to actually defeat Yugi? Find out on the next, exciting episode of Dr.Phil..."

*Fades out of dream sequence*


Yeah, useful...

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