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Dimension Wall Rulings Question

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When I was playing a Yu-Gi-Oh! Video Game, someone attacked me with a monster and I couldn't activate it. I read the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia, and it didn't say anything about if you couldn't activate Dimension Wall when your opponent attacks you directly. I even tested it with a Scape Goat in attack mode, and sadly, it still didn't work. So, is Battle Damage different from Direct Damage? Or is the game I'm playing just glitched. All the other cards work fine, though.


Also, I read the TCG Forum Guidelines, and it didn't say anything about "Card Rulings Questions". If I did this wrong, please correct and move this to the correct forum.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Now, I'm not the person you'd want to ask for this, but I believe Battle Damage and Direct Damage are the same; the video games are known for strange rulings. However, I'm probably wrong; you'd want to ask someone else.

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Depending upon the video game and the options set for that game, you may actually need to depress a button in order for the game to ask for a response.


Later editions of games tend to have customizable settings in regard to which phases and steps it asks a response of you.

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