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Weekly Deck-Building Contest

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[align=center]Alrighty! With my free time reinstated, the contest can now re-begin!!! Here are this week's themes!


Easy: I want to see a discard deck - any variant is fine, just so long as the theme is controlling your opponent's hand and/or deck. The more impressive the variant, the better.


Medium: A deck that focuses around Sanctuary In The Sky - yup, your job is to make one of these, and try to make it as competitive as possible.


Hard: A competitive deck built around Venominaga, the Deity of Snakes. That should be hard enough.


The contest will end on Thursday, Judging on Saturday, New Contest nextnext Monday.


Also, the next contest will be Archtype Week. I'll let you figure out what I'm gonna do with that. Get Building![/align]

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ill start with the medium deck. that should be easy to make lol





20| Monsters


3| The Agent of Judgment - Saturn


3| The Agent of Force - Mars

3| Freed the Brave Wanderer

3| Zeradias, Herald of Heaven

3| Nova Summoner

2| Arcana Force 0 - The Fool

3| Honest


13| Spells


3| Sanctuary In The Sky

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

1| Heavy Storm

2| Reinforcement of the Army

3| Light of Redemption

1| Lightning Vortex

2| Book Of Moon


| Traps


3| Beconing Light

1| Mirror Force

3| Threatening Roar




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May I enter in more than one difficulty level? If so, entry reserved for Medium and Hard. If not, entry reserved for ... well, I'll choose one of them when I know.



Vennominaga Deck

This deck centers around a rapid "pop" of the field to allow Vennominaga a quick boost in attack power as well as gaining its hyper-venom objectives.


Monsters [18]:

3| Balloon Lizard

3| Raging Earth

3| Gale Lizard

3| Penguin Soldier

3| Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes

3| Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes


Spells [13]:

3| Hand Destruction

1| Heavy Storm

1| Monster Reborn

3| Monster Reincarnation

1| Premature Burial

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Reasoning


Traps [9]:

3| Rise of the Snake Deity

3| Snake Whistle

3| Solemn Judgment



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sanctuary in the sky deck, it keeps them alive, and this is my IRL deck ^_^


Total (41)


Monsters (19)


Cloudian Altus x1

Cloudian Acid Cloud x3

Cloudian Cirrostoras x2

Cloudian Nimbusman x2

Cloudian Ghost Fog x2

Cloudian Storm Dragon x2

Marshmallon x1

Arcana Force 0 - The Fool x1

Gellenduo x2

Shining Angel x3


Spells (14)


The Sanctuary In The Sky x3

Terraforming x1

Cloudian Squall x2

Summon Cloud x2

Fog Control x2

Diamond Dust Cyclone x1

Wave-Motion Cannon x3


Traps ( 8 )


Magic Cylinder x1

Ceasefire x1

Secret Barrel x2

Updraft x3

Mirror Force x1


Side Deck (15)


Secret Barrel x1

Decklock x3

The Fool x1

Fissure x1

Ground Smashing x2

Hammer Shot x2

Burial from a different dimension x2

Return from the different dimension x1

reasoning x2



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I'll enter a Sanctuary deck.


[spoiler= Saturn OTK]


Monsters 12


3 The Agent of Judgment - Saturn


3 Zeradias, Herald of Heaven

3 Shining Angel

3 Nova Summoner


Spells 15


3 Sanctuary in the Sky

3 Celestial Tranformation

3 Inferno Reckless Summon

3 Poison of the Old Man

2 Dian Keto the Cure Master

1 Terraforming


Traps 13


3 Bad Reaction to Simochi

3 Aegis of Gaia

3 Dark Bribe

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force



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