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Weekly Deck-Building Contest

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[align=center]With the new rule in effect, I'm totally on-board with Deck Contests! Here's how it's going to work!


~The Rules~


Each week, on Monday, I shall post 3 different themes - your job, as entrants (you will have to renew your entry each week with the starting of a new contest), is to select one of the three available themes and model a deck around it.


Each theme will have a difficulty level, Easy, Medium, and Hard. These levels are to identify how hard it is to make a working deck around said theme. For example, a deck modeled around DAD would be a very easy theme, while a deck modeled around Shapesnatch would be very difficult.


All entries must be in by Friday of each week, where judging will then occur and a winner will be decided upon on Saturday. Sunday shall be a break period.


Anyone who wants to assist in judging may feel free to step forward and offer their assistance each week, but I will only take on one judge (adding to myself) per week, and I will only accept competent players as judges.


~The Judging~


The Judging will be solely based on the skill that went into the deck. Entrants who opted for a more difficult Deck Theme will be awarded more points than those who chose an easier theme, but only if the deck they submitted showed genuine thought and stuck to the theme! If someone went with the Shapesnatch theme and gave me a Macro Monarch deck that included 1 Shapesnatch, it would be disqualified for not even attempting to stick to the theme.


Bear this important tidbit in mind - the Judging is NOT based on how GOOD the deck is, or how often it can win. The Judging is based on how well-thought the deck was. As long as you clearly tried to make a deck that could win, you will get points, so don't think the only way to win is by making a deck that can't lose. After all, I can't honestly expect a Shapesnatch deck to win very often, right? But you can sure as hell try. And that's what is considered.


Judging will be:


Creativeness: 10 pnts Possible

Effectiveness: 10 pnts Possible

Effort: 10 Pnts Possible

Difficulty: 5~15 pnt Bonus.


~The Rewards~


Each week, the winning Deck will receive 2 Reps and 50 Points. It's a small reward, but this is a weekly thing.


This week will have an exception, since it's starting late in the week - Entries must be in by Sunday, Judging will take place on Sunday Evening, and a winner will be announced on Monday, where new contest will then start. Also, this week, I will not take on any additional judges. This is because I have pressing matters to deal with this week.


Now then, with those rules out of the way, here are this week's themes!


~The Themes~


Easy - Show me a good Crystal Beast Deck!


Deck Must Contain: At least one of each Crystal Beast, 1 of each Crystal Beast Supporting Card. No Hamon may be included.


Medium - Dark World Deck


Deck must contain: At least one copy of Reign Bough, no more than 3 of the current Available Dark World monsters excluded from the build.


hard - Avian Deck


Deck must Include: Three Elemental Hero Avian, no more than 2 different monsters in the deck can possess more ATK than Avian.


Now get building, people![/align]

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No, no created/anime cards. Only real cards are allowed. You MAY use Japanese cards, so long as they are actually in the OCG and scheduled for eventual TCG release.


And as for the Avian theme, yes, the ATK limit applies to Fusions as well. No more than 2 different monsters in the deck can have more ATK than Avian.

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Would I be allowed for three copies of one monster with an ATK higher than Avian? Or is it ONLY two monsters overall?


You can include three copies of 2 different monsters.


Also, if you plan on entering, please follow the "Entry Reserved" protocol.


This wasn't in the rules, But I figure I'll mention it now - Please put your decks inside Spoiler Tags, as I don't want to make the Thread have too-long pages.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Eh, I'll do the Avian deck.



Avian Deck:


Monsters: 7

3x Elemental Hero Avian

3x Elemental Hero Clayman

1x Morphing Jar


Spells: 14

3x Wave Motion Cannon

3x E-Emergency Call

2x Reinforcements of the Army

3x Wave Motion Cannon

3x Nightmare Steelcage


Traps: 19

3x Skill Drain

3x Reckless Greed

3x Solemn Judgement

3x Feather Wind

1x Gravity Bind

3x Common Charity

3x Dark Bribe


Draw with Reckless Greed and Common Charity. Stall forever. Solemn, Feather Wind, and Dark Bribe for protection. Skill Drain to avoid "lol Jinzo" and "lol Mobius" or whatever kids these days side in. Primary win condition is WMC.





Good enough?

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entry reserved

[spoiler=Avian Deck]

Monsters x20

Elemental Hero Avian x3

Elemental Hero Bubbleman x3

Elemental Hero Clayman x3

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x3

Wroughtweiler x3

Winged Kuriboh x3

Wing Kuriboh LV10 x1


Spells x10

Polymerization x2

Future Fusion x1

H-Heated Heart x1

E-Emergence Call x1

R-Righteous Justice x1

O-Oversoul x1

HERO Flash x1

Transcendent Wings x1

Skyscraper x1


Traps x10

Hero Barrier x3

Hero Signal x3

Feather Wind x2

Mirror Gate x1

Hero Counterattack x1


Fusions x3

Elemental Hero Electrum x3



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... I'll do Avian as well then if that's how it goes.






Monsters Level 1 to 4(20)

Flying Kamakiri #1

Flying Kamakiri #1

Flying Kamakiri #1

Hunter Owl

Hunter Owl

Hunter Owl

Elemental Hero-Stratos

Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Avian

Troop Dragon

Troop Dragon

Troop Dragon



Vortex Trooper

Vortex Trooper

Destiny Hero-Disk Commander

Spirit Reaper



Spell cards(13)

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Inferno Reckless Summon

Inferno Reckless Summon

Card of Safe Return

Card of Safe Return

Card of Safe Return

Arms Hole

Arms Hole

Arms Hole


Trap cards(7)

Limit Reverse

Limit Reverse

Limit Reverse

Solemn Judgement

Solemn Judgement

Feather Wind

Feather Wind




More like a wind deck with Avian(and his sole good support) thrown him, but you get the point.


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yer i will try the avian deck aswell. Not sure if the rule applys for the fusion deck?





2| Destiny Hero - Mailicious


3| Elemental Hero Avian

3| The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1| Sangan

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Marshmallon


2| Foolish Burial

2| Reinforcement of the Army

3| E-Emergency Call

3| Feather Shot

3| Hero Mask

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

3| Shrink

1| Burial From The Different Dimension

3| Dark Calling


1| Mirror Force

1| Limit Reverse

3| Solemn Judgment

1| Crush Card Virus

1| Ojama Trio


3| Evil Hero Inferno Wing

3| Evil Hero Wild Cyclone




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here's my entry it's an Avian Deck


*I don't know how to make a spoiler I will put it in a spoiler if someone shows me how*


[spoiler=Big City Boy Avian]Big City Boy Avian


Monsters 12


Elemental hero Avian x3

Elemental hero Knospe x2

Elemental hero Ocean x3

Elemental hero Stratos x1

Exiled Force x2

Sangan x1


Spells 24


Card of Safe Return x3

Creature Swap x2

Emergency call x2

Feather Shot x3

Heavy Storm x1

Hero Mask x2

Mist Body x2

Monster Reborn x1


Hero City x3

Terraforming x1

The Allied Forces x2


Traps 4


Hero Signal x2

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1



This has Avian as the win condition

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Avian's Law: Make me a sammich jabroni!

[spoiler= Avian Deck]


3x Avian

3x Mokey Mokey

3x Gigobyte

3x Thousand Eyes Idol

1x Stratos

1x Disc Commander



3x The Law of the Normal

3x Enchanting Fitting Room

3x Reasoning

3x Triangle Power

3x IRS

3x Demotion

3x Delta Attacker

2x Thunder Crash

2x A Feather of the Phoenix



1x CCV



Took about 5 minutes to come up with.

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my avian deck:

[spoiler=Avian Deck]




ojama yellow(x2)

ojama black(x2)

ojama green(x2)


spirit reaper

nimble momonga(x3)




miracle fusion(x3)


hero mask(x3)

heart of the underdog(x2)

monster reborn

amulet of ambition(x3)

axe of despair(x3)



feather wind(x2)

backup soldier

sakuretsu armor(x2)



flame wingman(x3)

ojama king(x3)

ojama knight(x3)



I believe this deck follows your rules.

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Avian Entry Reserved


[spoiler=Wind/Dark Deck]

Monsters 20


3 Simorgh, Bird of Divinity

3 Dark Simorgh

2 Destiny Hero - Malicous

2 Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster


3 Elemental Hero Avian

3 Speed Warrior

2 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1 Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

1 Sangan


Spells 12


3 Destiny Draw

1 E - Emergency Call

2 Reinforcement of the Army

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Burial from a Different Dimension

2 Hand Destruction


Traps 8

3 Solemn Judgment

3 Limit Reverse

1 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Crush Card Virus



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I can tell you right now I wouldn't even look at Avian Exodia. Any decent deck with Exodia in it has to focus on Exodia to be that level of decent. That means that Avian is no longer the focus of the deck, especially since he has no supports that help Exodia.

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