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The Rise of the Ultimate Hero

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I made this deck because I love Elemental Heroes. I don't have pics, so If anyone has pic ideas for these cards, let me know please. post_109467_1215029076_thumb.attachpost_109467_1215029103_thumb.attachpost_109467_1215029145_thumb.attachpost_109467_1215029167_thumb.attach





Here is the deck recipe that i have for these cards.



Monsters (22)

x2 Elemental Hero Black Cloud

x1 Elemental Hero Storm Cloud

x2 Elemental Hero White Cloud

x2 Elemental Hero Sparkman

x2 Elemental Hero Clayman

x2 Elemental Hero Bubbleman

x2 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

x2 Elemental Hero Avian

x1 Elemental Hero Bladedge

x2 King of Swamps

x2 Elemental Hero Wildheart

x1 Elemental Hero Neos

x1 Elemental Hero Stratos


Spells (14)

x2 E-Emergency Call

x2 Poison Cloud

x1 Cloud Call

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 O-Oversoul

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Elemental Economics

x1 Elemental Desires

x3 Miracle Fusion


Traps (5)

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Elemental Cloud Cover

x1 Fog

x1 Sakuretsu Armor

x1 Elemental Decree



x1 Elemental Hero Cloud King

x1 Elemental Hero Electrum

x1 Elemental Hero Flame Wingman

x1 Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman

x1 Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

x1 Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster

x1 Elemetnal Hero Wildedge

x1 Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

x1 Elemental Hero Wild Neos

x1 Elemental Hero Wild Stratos

x1 Elemental Hero Tempest

x1 Elemental Hero Darkbright

x1 Elemental Hero Fire Edge

x1 Elemental Hero Spark Conductor

x1 Elemental Hero Ultimate Hero

x1 Elemental Hero Mariner

x1 Elemental Hero Madballman

x1 Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman

x1 Elemental Hero Steam Healer

x1 Elemental Hero Spark Heart

x1 Elemental Hero Plasma Vice



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Check Cloud Call's effect, lol, it lets you choose a Hero Cloud from your HAND or deck and bring it to your HAND (caps just to show the problem). You could bring it from your deck or graveyard to your hand. Just a suggestion. Element Decree's effect is alittle overpowered, can't read most of the Fusion card's effects (too small), and there are OCG errors (Official Card Grammer). But I do like your cards, so just fix those problems and they'll be great! My rating 6/10.


If you would like advice on the pics, let me know.

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Check Cloud Call's effect' date=' lol, it lets you choose a Hero Cloud from your HAND or deck and bring it to your HAND (caps just to show the problem). You could bring it from your deck or graveyard to your hand. Just a suggestion. Element Decree's effect is alittle overpowered, can't read most of the Fusion card's effects (too small), and there are OCG errors (Official Card Grammer). But I do like your cards, so just fix those problems and they'll be great! My rating 6/10.


If you would like advice on the pics, let me know.



Ok i fixed that one problem. {that was hilarious}. Yes I would like advice. Please and thanks!

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