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APC (That needs help)

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Please do not suggest D-draw or malicus I have neither or ccv.





3x Caius the shadow monarch

1x riaza the storm monarch

1x Prime Material Dragon

2x Cyber dragon


1x Stratos

2x Destiny hero fear monger

1x Card Trooper

1x Morphing jar

1x Armagedon Knight

2x Mystic Tomato

1x Spirt reaper

1x D.D crow

1x Sangan

1x Snipe hunter

1x Disk Comander

1x treeborn frog



3x Soul Exchange

2x Rota

1x monster reborn

1x prematur burail


1x Pot of avarice

2x Allure of darkness

1x brain control

1x MST

1x Heavy storm



3x Limit Reverse

1x torrential tribute

1x mirror force



Gb Gyzarus



This is 49 cards I counted. Yes I know thats 9 too many. I need help sliming it too 40 and I was thinking about necro gardna in here. Also am I missing anything, It feels like I am. Also Please no spaming, this is my first build of apc or any thing like it. So no posts like HAHAHA you'r doing it wroung.

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