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E-Hero Huge City

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EH Bladedge x2

EH Stratos x1

EH Ocean x3

EH Prisma x2

EH WildHeart x3

Cydra x2

Grand Mole x1

Sangan x1

Spirit Reaper x1




E-Call x3

R-Right Justice x2

Fifth Hope x1

Card Of Safe Return x2

SkyScraper-2 Hero City x3

Premmy x1

Monster Reborn

Lightning Vortex x2

Fissure x1

MST x1



Dust Tornado x3

Torrentail Tribute x1

Mirror Force x1


This Is My Entry To Get Into Team Angry Mudkip

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3 wildheart

1 sangan

3 ocean

1 stratos

1 snipe hunter

1 spirit reaper

2 malicious edge



3 e call

3 r richeous

3 warrior returning alive

3 sky scraper 2

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

3 creature swap

3 Lighting Vortex

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm


1 Mirror Force (if you cant get this, well you cant not have this get this)

3 soulems (if you cant get soulems get 3 dust tornado)

1 Torrential Tribute



what u have isnt big city


what i have is a VERY good big city


so make mine


cosr is pointless as you really never get anything destroyed by battle unless you creature swap somthing

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3 wildheart

1 sangan

3 ocean

1 stratos

1 snipe hunter

1 spirit reaper

2 malicious edge



3 e call

3 r richeous

3 warrior returning alive

3 sky scraper 2

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

3 creature swap

3 Lighting Vortex

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm


1 Mirror Force (if you cant get this' date=' well you cant not have this get this)

3 soulems (if you cant get soulems get 3 dust tornado)

1 Torrential Tribute



what u have isnt big city


what i have is a VERY good big city


so make mine


cosr is pointless as you really never get anything destroyed by battle unless you creature swap somthing



Hey, you posted this exact thing on MY deck ~_~ Isn't it weird to have 2 peoplesw/ the same deck? ~_~

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