Code Y.C.M Posted July 2, 2008 Report Share Posted July 2, 2008 [align=center]ATTENTIONI got permission from "Ruby", so you can post your comment's, if you have Negative comment's please do not post at all, i would like this thread, to go a long way. This idea is from "Ruby" on this thread, here is a link to hi's Pokedex not all of these images are my own, some are from other members on this website and some from the net, or Google (No Joke it is good). Thanks for looking!!!! Code Y.C.M Pokedex [#001]ChitiniStats[][][][][][][][][][#002]BaynairStats[][][][][][][][][][#003]MeganiteStats[][][][][][][][][][#004]ShinireStats[][][][][][][][][]L[#005]uxeleonStats[][][][][][][][][][#006]LuxfernoStats[][][][][][][][][][#007]MudotStats[][][][][][][][][][#008]NuztompStats[][][][][][][][][][#009]SwamtryStats[#010]TarverHard Hoof : Halfs all the Ground Attacks.Male:45% / Female:55%The Horned Deer PokemonGround/DarkHeight: 3'9"Weight: 89 lbsTarver > Hornark or > ScytaurA medium sized Deer, with a powerful, but blunt horn on it's forehead, mainly used to stun the Opponent and knock it out cold.Moves:Tackle, Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Mega Horn, Stampede, Stomp, Growl, Leer, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Grudge.Egg Steps: 2,181Carch Rate: 241Egg Groups: Normal[stats]-Basic:HP: 74ATK: 67DEF: 53SPD: 59SP ATK: 61SP DEF: 43-MAX:HP: 359ATK: 310DEF: 221SPD: 201SP ATK: 302SP DEF: 241 [#011] HornarkAbility(s):KO Charge: Has a higher chance of 1 hit KO.Hard Hoof: Halfs all ground Attacks.Male:45% / Female:55%The Horned Deer PokemonGround/DarkHeight: 4'5"Weight: 110 lbsTarver >Male> HornarkA large deer, with 3 Powerful Horns on it head, used for 1-hit KO's and has a Change to Paralize on hit.Moves:Tackle, Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Mega Horn, Stampede, Stomp, Growl, Leer, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Grudge.Egg Steps: 7,185Carch Rate: 713Egg Groups: Normal[stats]-Basic:HP: 96ATK: 79DEF: 64SPD: 71SP ATK: 79SP DEF: 58-MAX:HP: 387ATK: 336DEF: 242SPD: 219SP ATK: 321SP DEF: 259 [#012]ScytaurAbility(s)Hard Hoof: Halfs all ground Attacks.Scythe Wielder: Your Opponent's chance of doing Critical Damage is reduced by 50%.Male: 50% /Female: 50%The Bladed Centaur PokemonDark/GroundHeight: 4'5"Weight: 97 lbsTarver >Female> ScytaurA horse that has grown an upper body, and now known as a Centaur, the blades on it's hand's can cut through anything, from flesh to steel.Attacks:Steel Wing, Quick Attack, X Attack, Earthquake, Hyperbeam, Extreme Speed, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Phsycic.Egg Steps: 968Catch Rate: 749Egg group: Dark[stats]-Normal:HP: 86ATK: 79DEF: 45SPD: 74SP ATK: 87SP DEF: 45-MAX:HP: 398ATK: 312DEF: 267SPD: 289SP ATK: 332SP DEF: 282 [#013]MegdySharp Claws: has a change of Burning OpponentMale:50% / Female:50%The Winged Cat PokemonNormal/WingedHeight:1'7"Weight: 34 lbsMegdyA small cat that has grown wings, due to ability to fly, cannot fly very far, but i good in battle, while in the air.Moves:Scratch, Peck, Wing Attack, Hypnosis, Wirlwind, Growl, Leer, Agility, Quick Attack, Extreme SpeedEgg Steps: 079Catch Rate: 057Egg group: Normal[stats]-Normal:HP: 43ATK: 34DEF: 28SPD: 57SP ATK: 31SP DEF: 22-MAX:HP: 186ATK: 166DEF: 136SPD: 214SP ATK: 153SP DEF: 132 [#014]VulavaAbilityPowerful Wings: All Flying Attacks, up in a pinch.Male: 65% / Female: 35%The Winged Fox.Flying/FireHeight: 2'1"Weight: 56 lbsVulava > FlyolfA small fox, with wings, that breathes fire, and can fly, far distances, and still fight well on the ground.Moves:Ember, Leer, Scratch, Growl, Flamethrower, Bite, Hypnosis, Sunny Day, Wing Attack, Extreme Speed, Fire Blast, Crunch.Egg Steps: 158Catch Rate: 095[stats]-Normal:HP: 67ATK: 45DEF: 32SPD: 46SP ATK: 42SP DEF: 33-MAX:HP: 312ATK: 246DEF: 197SPD: 214SP ATK: 274SP DEF: 179 [#015]FlyolfAbility(s)Powerful Wings: Ups all Flying Attacks.Darkness Fog: Has a good chance of Confusing Opponent.Male: 65% / Female: 35%The Winged Wolf.Flying/DarkHeight: 3'3"Weight: 94 lbsVulava > FlyolfA Fox, with wings, that controls Darkness, to play tricks on it's foe, and make it ConfusedMoves:Ember, Leer, Scratch, Growl, Rock Throw, Night Shade, Bite, Quick Attack, Scary Face, Moonlight, Flamethrower, Shadowball.Egg Steps: 679Catch Rate: 465[stats]-Normal:HP: 75ATK: 59DEF: 48SPD: 62SP ATK: 57SP DEF: 47-MAX:HP: 357ATK: 276DEF: 212SPD: 254SP ATK: 298SP DEF: 201 [#016]FrolantAbilityPoisonous Skin: Poisons on hit.Male: 50% / Female: 50%The Leafed FrogPoison/GrassHeight: 2'3"Weight: 56 lbsFrolant > LeafoadA frog, with Leafs on it's head, which supply it energy, from the sun, it gains energy depending on the Weather.Moves:Tackle, Pound, Sweet Scent, Absorb, Sunny Day, Ingrain, Razor Leaf, Moonlight, Poison Fang, Bite, Magical Leaf, Giga Drain, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Bullet Punch.Egg Steps:104Catch Rate: 110[stats]-Normal:HP: 67ATK: 56DEF: 26SPD: 54SP ATK: 58SP DEF: 29-MAX:HP: 364ATK: 291DEF: 176SPD: 286SP ATK: 300SP DEF: 191 [#017]LeafoadAbility(s)Poisonous Skin: Poisons on hit.Metal Leaf: All "Grass" are 50% strongerMale: 50% / Female: 50%The Leafed ToadPoison/GrassHeight: 3'9"Weight: 97 lbsFrolant > LeafoadA toad, with leafs covering parts of it's body, they can be as sharp as Metal or a soft as Feathers.Moves:Tackle, Pound, Sweet Scent, Absorb, Sunny Day, Ingrain, Razor Leaf, Moonlight, Poison Fang, Bite, Magical Leaf, Giga Drain, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Bullet Punch.Egg Steps: 896Catch Rate: 786[stats]-Normal:HP: 82ATK: 75DEF: 38SPD: 71SP ATK: 81SP DEF: 41-MAX:HP: 401ATK: 312DEF: 199SPD: 301SP ATK: 335SP DEF: 224 [#018]SenakeAbility:Poisonous Fangs: May Poison when using either teeth or tail.Male: 50% / Female: 50%The Shark Toothed SnakePoison/GroundHeight: 2'5"Weight: 36 lbsSenake > Vipegoyle > CobragoyleA Snake with a Pretty big head, used for digging really deep, and to put poison into victim's.Moves:Tackle, Wrap, Scary Face, Poison Sting, Digg, Leer, Metal Sound, Bite, Skull Bash, Sleep, Snore, Crunch, Magnitude, Poison Fang.Egg Steps: 124Catch Rate: 165[stats]-Normal:HP: 45ATK: 21DEF: 37SPD: 34SP ATK: 25SP DEF: 41-MAX:HP: 286ATK: 185DEF: 232SPD: 212SP ATK: 198SP DEF: 254 [#019]VipegoyleAbility:Poisonous Fangs: May Poison when using either teeth or tail.Male: 50% / Female: 50%The Small Gargoyle SnakePoison/DragonHeight: 3'7"Weight: 67 lbsSenake > Vipegoyle > CobragoyleA Snake with a Pretty big head, used for digging really deep, and to put poison into victim's.Moves:Tackle, Wrap, Scary Face, Poison Sting, Digg, Leer, Metal Sound, Bite, Skull Bash, Sleep, Snore, Crunch, Magnitude, Poison Fang.Egg Steps: 584Catch Rate: 9,364[stats]-Normal:HP: 72ATK: 36DEF: 51SPD: 49SP ATK: 34SP DEF: 64-MAX:HP: 321ATK: 201DEF: 276SPD: 254SP ATK: 243SP DEF: 278 [#020]CobragoyleAbility:Poisonous Fangs: May Poison when using either teeth or tail.Catastrophic Tail: Any Attack that Paralyzing the Opponent, has a 100% of KO.Male: 50% / Female: 50%The Huge Gargoyle Snake PokemonPoison/DragonHeight: 7'2"Weight: 154 lbsSenake > Vipegoyle > CobragoyleA Winged Snake, also known as a Gargoyle Snake with a Extremely Powerful Tail, can crush buildings with it's tail, and wings can protect the monster from anything, and are as sharp as Metal.Moves:Tackle, Wrap, Scary Face, Poison Sting, Digg, Leer, Metal Sound, Bite, Skull Bash, Sleep, Snore, Dragon Rage, Crunch, Magnitude, Poison Fang, X-Scissor, Earthqauke, Dragon Dance, (Custom) Firestorm, Hyper Beam, (Custom) Deadly Impale.Egg Steps: 36,591Catch Rate: Unable[stats]-Normal:HP: 134ATK: 75DEF: 94SPD: 96SP ATK: 83SP DEF: 103-MAX:HP: 443ATK: 289DEF: 342SPD: 343SP ATK: 289SP DEF: 353 [#021]TeddyesterAbility: NothingMale: 30% /Female: 70%Teddy/Hamster PokemonNormalHeight: 2'3"Weight: 34 lbsTeddyester > RipsterA small Bear the size of a Hamster, with the power of a full-size Bear, when it evolves most monster's near it flee in danger.Attacks:Pound, Growl, Charm, Attract, Scratch, Bite, Rollout, Regenerate, Digg, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Dounle Edge.Egg Steps: 132Catch Rate: 045[stats]-Normal:HP: 47ATK: 21DEF: 15SPD: 18SP ATK: 22SP DEF: 17-MAX:HP: 257ATK: 189DEF: 167SPD: 174SP ATK: 194SP DEF: 173 [#022]RipsterAbility: NothingMale: 30% /Female: 70%Teddy/Hamster PokemonNormal/RockHeight: 5'1"Weight: 89 lbsTeddyester > RipsterA small Bear the size of a Hamster, with the power of a full-size Bear, when it evolves most monster's near it flee in danger.Attacks:Pound, Growl, Charm, Attract, Scratch, Bite, Rollout, Regenerate, Digg, Tail Whip, Rock Throw, Mud Sport, Dounle Edge, Hyper Beam, Scary Face, Sleep, Snore, Poison Jab, (Custom) Bear Hug, Earthqauke, Rock Slide.Egg Steps: 864Catch Rate: 256[stats]-Normal:HP: 61ATK: 40DEF: 28SPD: 24SP ATK: 42SP DEF: 31-MAX:HP: 278ATK: 201DEF: 183SPD: 194SP ATK: 215SP DEF: 194 [#023]goldantAbility:Water Spout: increase "Water" Attacks by a pinch.Male: 50% / Female: 50%Finned Elephant PokemonGround/WaterHeight: 2' 5"Weight: 67 lbsGoldant > ElekingA small Elephant with Fins used for swimming long distances, sometime they get in the way, and get it's horn stuck in something.Attack:Leer, Pound, Horn Attack, Magnitude, Growl, Bubble, Rollout, Water Gun, Water Spout (Minor), Horn Drill.Egg Steps: 098Catch Rate: 067[stats]-Normal:HP: 34ATK: 22DEF: 22SPD: 22SP ATK: 24SP DEF: 24-MAX:HP: 265ATK: 220DEF: 201SPD: 196SP ATK: 230SP DEF: 202 [#024]Eleking(Normal by Bastiongirl, Shiny by me)Ability:Water Spout: increase "Water" Attacks by a pinch.Male: 50% / Female: 50%Finned Elephant PokemonGround/WaterHeight: 3' 8"Weight: 89 lbsGoldant > Elekingwith Fins used for swimming long distances, sometime they get in the way, the horns on it's head are used to catch fish while swimming, and for knocking down large objects.Attacks:Leer, Pound, Horn Attack, Magnitude, Growl, Bubble, Rollout, Water Gun, Water Spout (Minor), Horn Drill, Hydro Pump, Earthqauke, Water Spout (Normal & Powerful).Egg Steps: 630Catch Rate: 978[stats]-Normal:HP: 56ATK: 32DEF: 32SPD: 32SP ATK: 35SP DEF: 35-MAX:HP: 367ATK: 244DEF: 231SPD: 219SP ATK: 250SP DEF: 240 [#025]Flycer[Help from SOS Haruhi]Ability: NothingMale: 50% / Female: 50%Bladed and Winged Bug PokemonFlying/BugHeight: 4' 8"Weight: 57 lbsFlycer > UltimarriorWith Blades and wings this monster is Perfect at combat battle, cannot fly too high, due to Wing Size, but blades can Snap, but Re-Grow in a week or so.Attacks:leer, Scratch, tackle, Headbutt, Wing Attack, Silver Wind, Razor Leaf, Cut, Poison Jab, Extreme Speed, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Glare, Mean Look, Nature Power, Poison Fang.Egg Steps: 186Catch Rate: 084[stats]-Normal:HP: 45ATK: 32DEF: 23SPD: 35SP ATK: 35SP DEF: 26-MAX:HP: 354ATK: 287DEF: 237SPD: 301SP ATK: 276SP DEF: 256 [#026]UltimarriorAbility: NothingMale: 50% / Female: 50%Bladed and Winged Bug PokemonFlying/BugHeight: 4' 8"Weight: 57 lbsFlycer > UltimarriorThe ultimate pokemon to have on your side, with wings powerful enough to blow down a forest, and blades sharp enough to split a mountain in two.Attacks:leer, Scratch, tackle, Headbutt, Wing Attack, Silver Wind, Razor Leaf, Cut, Poison Jab, Extreme Speed, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, horn Attack, Glare, Mean Look, Nature Power, Poison Fang.Egg Steps: 5,638Catch Rate: unable[stats]-Normal:HP: 45ATK: 32DEF: 23SPD: 35SP ATK: 35SP DEF: 26-MAX:HP: 386ATK: 364DEF: 257SPD: 334SP ATK: 370SP DEF: 265 [#027]Panding[From net]Ability:Guts: Attack raises to 1.5 when induced with a status (BURN, PARALYZE, SLEEP, POISON, FREEZE). BURN'S effect iof lowering is not applied.Solar Ring: Attack raises depending on the weather.Male: 50% / Female: 50%The Bright Panda PokemonFire/NormalHeight: 4' 8"Weight: 102 lbsTeddiursa > Ursaring >at 12am, with Bright Flare> PandingThe rings around it's body absorb energy and power from the sun, and can smash a tall building with one hand, even though it has no claws, it is still amazingly powerfulAttacks:Tackle, Moonlight, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Earthqauke, Dynamic Punch, Double Edge, Flamethrower, Hyperbeam, Rock Throw, Fire Blast, Brick Break, Omega Punch, Seismec Toss, Overheat, Solarbeam.Egg Steps: UnableCatch Rate: Unable[stats]-Normal:HP: 93ATK: 51DEF: 45SPD: 23SP ATK: 53SP DEF: 47-MAX:HP: 425ATK: 352DEF: 317SPD: 232SP ATK: 364SP DEF: 334 [#028]Cowler[From Net]Ability:NoneMale: 50% / Female: 50%The Cow/Horse PokemonNormalHeight: 3'0"Weight: 63 lbs\/Cowler\/Horpede LV:25 or Shadorse LV:35 & night time or Graveleed LV:45 & in cave.A cow that has the Attributes of a horse, shaped from both, i does not have a adder but it milks it's babies, and no one knows how, and want to keep it like that (LOL)Attacks:tackle, Growl, headbutt, stomp, rest, snore, horn attack, skull bash, double edge, Bide, Zen headbutt, Gyro Ball, Wake-up SlapEgg Steps: 194Catch Rate: 175[stats]-Normal:HP: 64ATK: 34DEF: 29SPD: 31SP ATK: 31SP DEF: 41-MAX:HP: 275ATK: 164DEF: 126SPD: 152SP ATK: 152SP DEF: 201 [#029]Horpede[From Net]Ability:NoneMale: 50% / Female: 50%The Horse PokemonNormalHeight: 4'1"Weight: 96 lbs\/Cowler\/Horpede LV:25 or Shadorse LV:35 & night time or Graveleed LV:45 & in cave.A horse with a horn on it's head, when it charges it can be known a group of Tauros's charging.Attacks:tackle, leer, growl, sand attack, quick attack, headbutt, horn attack, skull bash, fog, Zen Headbutt, Horn Drill, Extreme Speed, Captivate, Me first.Egg Steps: 825Catch Rate: 714[stats]-Normal:HP: 101ATK: 21DEF: 36SPD: 20SP ATK: 31SP DEF: 53-MAX:HP: 351ATK: 146DEF: 246SPD: 132SP ATK: 186SP DEF: 295 [#030]Shadorse[From Net]Ability:NoneMale: 50% / Female: 50%The Horse PokemonDark/NormalHeight: 4'0"Weight: 89 lbs \/Cowler\/Horpede LV:25 or Shadorse LV:35 & night time or Graveleed LV:45 & in cave.When this horse is encountered at night it goes vanishes in the night unexpectedly, that is why you cannot catch it.Attacks:tackle, leer, growl, sand attack, Smokescreen(believe it or not), Ember, headbutt, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Take Down, Thief, Extreme Speed, Zen Headbutt, Shadow Ball.Egg Steps: unableCatch Rate: Unable[stats]-Normal:HP: 60ATK: 41DEF: 39SPD: 40SP ATK: 45SP DEF: 43-MAX:HP: 234ATK: 197DEF: 195SPD: 196SP ATK: 232SP DEF: 231 [#031]Graveleed[From net]Ability:NoneMale: 50% / Female: 50%The Horse PokemonRock/NormalHeight: 4'0"Weight: 89 lbs \/Cowler\/Horpede LV:25 or Shadorse LV:35 & night time or Graveleed LV:45 & in cave.When this monster faints in either Battle or in the wild, it crumbles apart into rocks, when it is save it can return to normal form with full health, which is good in battle, due to it can revive itself during battle.Attacks:Tackle, Growl, Stomp, Tail Whip, Rock Blast, Take Down, Quick Attack, Horn Drill, Stone Edge, Recover, Earthqauke, Megahorn, Rock WreckerEgg Steps: unableCatch Rate: Unable[stats]-Normal:HP: 60ATK: 41DEF: 39SPD: 40SP ATK: 45SP DEF: 43-MAX:HP: 234ATK: 197DEF: 195SPD: 196SP ATK: 232SP DEF: 231 [#032]Monkit[bastionsgirl]Ability:NoneMale: 50% / Female: 50%Cat/Monkey PokemonNormalHeight: 2'11"Weight: 34.3 lbs Monkit > FelinapeA strange creature created from a test to see how monkeys would interact with cats. It bounces around happily on its spring-like tail.Attacks:Tackle, Growl, Doubleslap, Sing, Tail Whip, Fury Swipes, Swift, Assist, Double Hit, Bounce, Wake-up Slap, Fling, Double Edge, Last ResortEgg Steps: 093Catch Rate: 134[stats]-Normal:HP: 43ATK: 26DEF: 21SPD: 27SP ATK: 31SP DEF: 19-MAX:HP: 194ATK: 124DEF: 101SPD: 131SP ATK: 143SP DEF: 96 [#033]Felinape[bastionsgirl]Ability:Multitask: When this monster attacks using a base attack power of 80 or more, one random stat (attack, speed, etc.) is increased by one level. Male: 50% / Female: 50%The Cat/Monkey PokemonNormalHeight: 4'7"Weight: 67.5 lbs Monkit > FelinapeAs it evolves, Felinape's tail is split to two, easier to handle tails, and its fur turns to a soft pink color. Now with its two tails, it has an uncanny ability to multitask.Attacks:Tackle, Growl, Doubleslap, Sing, Tail Whip, Fury Swipes, Swift, Assist, Double Hit, Bounce, Wake-up Slap, Fling, Double Edge, Last ResortEgg Steps: unableCatch Rate: 1,101[stats]-Normal:HP: 76ATK: 35DEF: 28SPD: 38SP ATK: 39SP DEF: 25-MAX:HP: 264ATK: 186DEF: 135SPD: 197SP ATK: 190SP DEF: 129 [#034]Budket[bastionsgirl]Ability: Shed SkinMale: 30% /Female: 70%Cricket Bud PokemonGrass/BugHeight: 3'0"Weight: 38 lbsBudket > CricketoseA strange bud-looking creature with the traits of a cricket. It wanders around at night, creating music with its antennae as it takes its steps.Attacks (Optional): Tackle, Growl, Absorb, Growth, Water Sport, Bide, Mega Drain, Fury Cutter.Egg steps: 074Catch Rate: 034[stats]-Normal:HP: 31ATK: 13DEF: 18SPD: 16SP ATK: 16SP DEF: 22-MAX:HP: 186ATK: 101DEF: 153SPD: 145SP ATK: 110SP DEF: 158 A strange bud-looking creature with the traits of a cricket. It wanders around at night, creating music with its antennae as it takes its steps. [#035]Cricketose[bastionsgirl]Ability: Swarm: {look ot net}Shut Eye: (when this monster attacks with an attack that can put the target to sleep, the SLEEP effect always lasts five turns)Plant/Cricket PokemonGrass/BugHeight: 4'9"Weight: 56.7 lbsBudket > CricketoseCreates a violinesque melody by rubbing its arms together. The sound is said to relieve stress.Attacks: Growl, Absorb, Growth, Water Sport, Bide, Fury Cutter, Sing, Magical Leaf, Silver Wind, Grasswhistle, Bullet Seed, X-Scissor, Aromatherapy, Synthesis, Bug Buzz, Perish Song.Egg Steps: 215Catch Rate: 264[stats]-Normal:HP: 52ATK: 26DEF: 32SPD: 30SP ATK: 29SP DEF: 35-MAX:HP: 232ATK: 154DEF: 189SPD: 184SP ATK: 160SP DEF: 193[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 2, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 2, 2008 [align=center]Legendaries:[#150]Naturenix[Found of Net]Ability(s):Leaf Cloak: all "Grass" Attacks raise.Pressure: When this Pokemon is hit by a move, the Opponent's PP lower's by 2 rather 1.Male: 50% / Female: 100%A Nature BirdGrass/FlyingHeight: UnkownWeight: UnkownNaturenixA Legendarie Nature Bird, or Phoenix that soars throughout the sky, making burnt forest's grow back to how they were before.Attacks:Wing Attack, Razor Leaf, Extreme Speed, Mega Drain, Twister, Aeriel Ace, Fly, Magical Leaf, Moonlight, Giga Drain, Solarbeam, Hyperbeam.Egg Steps: UnableCatch Rate: Limited (only 1)[stats]-Normal:HP: 156ATK: 132DEF: 56SPD: 121SP ATK: 159SP DEF: 76-MAX:HP: 412ATK: 364DEF: 285SPD: 345SP ATK: 372SP DEF: 299 [#151]GomperrorAbility(s):Shadow Cloak: this monster cannot be Hurt by Fire and Dark AttacksMega Brain: All Non-Attacking moves, are Cancelled, unless it involves HP.No GenderA Dark EmperrorDark/FireHeight: UnkownWeight: UnkownGomperrorThe Darkness Legend, rules over darkness and controls most of the Regions pokemon.Attacks:Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Will 'o' Wisp, Focus Punch, Hyper Beam, Detect, Future Sight, Hypnosis, Confusion, Grudge, Poison Jab, (Custom) Firestorm.Egg Steps: unableCatch Rate: Limited (only 1)[stats]-Normal:HP: 146ATK: 99DEF: 89SPD: 95SP ATK: 98SP DEF: 91-MAX:HP: 424ATK: 354DEF: 312SPD: 334SP ATK: 355SP DEF: 335[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 2, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 2, 2008 [align=center]2nd Region Pokemoncurrently thinking of fakemon designs for the Grass starters[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 2, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 2, 2008 [align=center]2nd Region Legendaries [#251]Zexius, or Known as "The Beast"Ability(s):Darkness Control: all "Dark" Attacks are raised by 5Dark Matter: all Attacks against this pokemon are reduced by 2.5No Genderthe Unkown LegendDarkHeight: Varies on change (it can change height)Weight: Varies on change (it can change weight)ZexiusInformation UnkownMoves:Omega Punch, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Earthqauke, Moonlight, Recover, Grudge, Mean Look, Thunderbolt, Shadow Punch, Thunder, Overheat, Hyperbeam, Solarbeam, (Custom) Tornado.Egg Steps: UnableCatch Rate: Limited (only 1)[stats]-Normal:HP: 103ATK: 65DEF: 63SPD: 64SP ATK: 66SP DEF: 64-MAX:HP: 489ATK: 425DEF: 423SPD: 424SP ATK: 426SP DEF: 424[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SushiTheLegend Posted July 2, 2008 Report Share Posted July 2, 2008 That is pure out spam, I shall lock this thread for this pointless spam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SushiTheLegend Posted July 3, 2008 Report Share Posted July 3, 2008 Thread reopened, if you do not delete the utter spam I will remove it myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ruby Posted July 6, 2008 Report Share Posted July 6, 2008 some are ok i guess... work on it, and they'll get more better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 7, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 [align=center] Okay guys you can post your comments now on the Pokedex so far!!!!!!!Hope you like it[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Judαs Posted July 7, 2008 Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 Wow, nice splices ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Digital.Simplicity. Posted July 7, 2008 Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 nice splices Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 7, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 Thanks for Commenting, please post more comments. also look at my Fakemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bastionsgirl Posted July 7, 2008 Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 Nice job so far!!! Are you gonna do all of the splices yourself or can others submit some and create stats, evos, abilities, etc.? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 7, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 I will do the Stats, but if you want to take part of this, you can pm me some of you splices and i will pm them to you and you can explain what they are to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bakura Vessal Posted July 7, 2008 Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 Mudot and his evolutions are the best out of em Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 7, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 I am currently trying to make a Fakemon Evo Line, if you want to see the first version, look at the "My 1st Fakemon" thread and the 2 little hamster dudes, they are the 1st evo line i will put in the Pokedex Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bakura Vessal Posted July 8, 2008 Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 ok i will later Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bastionsgirl Posted July 8, 2008 Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 I will do the Stats' date=' but if you want to take part of this, you can pm me some of you splices and i will pm them to you and you can explain what they are to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote'] What do you mean? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 8, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 splices, pm them to me and explain them to me, and i put them up (Note, 90% of the basic must have a Evo chain!!!!!!).i will put them up, and make the stats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bastionsgirl Posted July 8, 2008 Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 'Kay. I was thinking of using the splice I made of Donphan and Seaking, but I have to make one of the pre-evo, with Phanpy and Goldeen. I'll get that situated tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slash Posted July 8, 2008 Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 These look really cool ^_^ Good luck with this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted July 8, 2008 Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 lol Ruby better not see these O_O Some are unreal good.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Y.C.M Posted July 8, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 If you want to Help just fill out this form, and send it to me. Pokemon Name: Image(Optional): Material used for Splice Eg.Houndoom, Ampharos, and Bellossom: Animal & Something Eg.Wind Dragon make Dragind: Attacks (Optional): Remember to pm it to me!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bastionsgirl Posted July 8, 2008 Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 Yay! My splice is up! You saved me a heck of a lotta work by doing a Phanpy/Goldeen! BTW, it's going great!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Victory Posted July 8, 2008 Report Share Posted July 8, 2008 Good Lck Man Your Doing Fine Now But Eventually You Will Get Weary Of Them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bastionsgirl Posted July 9, 2008 Report Share Posted July 9, 2008 I just figured out a good ability for FelinapMultitask: When this monster attacks using a base attack power of 60 or less, one random stat (attack, speed, etc.) is increased by one level. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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