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The God Birds [TGB] set


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okay i just spent a couple hours (lol) making these and i rlly want them rated. i went for big pics so they wouldn't look blurry, hope you like them:


i know they arent the most balanced cards. they're all pretty powerful, but all very rare, too. ive fixed a few typos, ill add effects to the birds soon. not all cards neccesarily need lore to them i guess.

please suggest ideas for effects. i have added one to r'tala and fixed a few typos. im almost done with the feather tokens and divine intervention. one more thing, ive powered down talar, 4000 ATK 3500 DEF, ill put in all the new pics soon.

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i hated lek'talar's pic, so i changed him to ruler of the ice and gave him an effing awesome pic. i think i might make some lesser birds to expand the set. i need some help so please post any ideas you have. (i am trying to think of effects for the birds)

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normal monsters make good toilet paper. Dont make new types.


try the 'ocg and grammar' thread for OCG.


you arent very open minded, are you, hunter...

i can make whatever type i want, and you have no say in the matter. and i dont need any help with OCG... my major thing is typos and pics. i havent played yu gi oh in a LOOOONG time so im pretty much using a combo of new and old OCG.


also, normal monsters are awesome, ur just jealous =þ

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woot! finally updated initial post with pics. i nerfed talar. i added effects to all the god birds and talar. i finally made divine intervention. i added 5 new cards: lek, lok, xe, and roc feathers, and "sign of hope". i changed the pics on Lek'talar and roc'talar. check em out!

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