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Three hours later, Katenko enters Umari's office.


Katenko: Well, I have to tell you, those ATTACK guys have a better Fire Wall than you do, it took me more time than the expected to hack it. Here are my results up to now.


Katenko handed over a folder.



The three cannons are aiming different locations, by the way, they are very important places, it seems that the cannons have some sort of trigger, which I haven't been able to discover, I have given them numbers, that's because they have some sort of device that makes the cannon only be able to fire after the one before it has already shot its beam. In short words, you can't use Cannon # 2 unless you have used # 1, and you cannot use # 3 if you haven't used # 2. When Cannon # 1 is fired 10 seconds will pass for # 2 to be able to be fired, and the same for # 3.


However, the cannons have an emergency device, if one of the cannons is destroyed the remaining cannons will shot no matter what.


Cannon # 1.


Katenko's Name: The easy one.

Original Target: London.

New Target: Cannon # 2.

Status: Hacked.


Cannon # 2.


Katenko's Name: At least it won't fire.

Original Target: Paris.

New Target: Paris.

Status: I couldn't hack it, but at least I was able to make Cannon # 1's next target become Cannon #2, that way it would be destroyed before it could be actived.


Cannon # 3.


Katenko's Name: I need to meet the guy that did this.

Original Target: Washington, DC.

New Target: Washington, DC.

Status: Oops, but you have to take care of it. I couldn't eve found its signal, I have to admit it, the guy behind this had this one covered with all he/she had.




With my work, Cannon # 1 and # 2, are gone, you only have to worry about # 3, remember, when Cannon # 1 is fired, it will destroy # 2, which will automatically activate # 3, so you have to be prepared for when # 1 will make the first shot, which means you will only have 20 seconds after # 1's shot.



Katenko: That's it, I'll keep working on Cannon # 3, but I can't promise anything... by the way, I think you should give me an assistant, or something like that, cause... I need my cigarrettes.

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Umari get up and opens a safe. Here *12 5 carton cigarrettes* Ifyou smoke 60 before the week is over your going to a group and work on your habit. Also I need you to relook the Cannon ATTACK file. Iv been notified that there are 5 different Files. So check the next 4. Aparently all but one of them is fake. Weed out the fakes and find the real one. 1 last thing, Spy here will give you the info *Spy comes out of the Shadows*


Spy: I have reason to think a member here is helping ATTACK from the inside. I found this in his room *Flopy Disc* I dont know who uses these anymore but I can get the password.


Umari: If strike is working for ATTACK we need to know, find out what that disc has on it and report back to me ASAP. Spy where is Strike?


Spy: He's off today so I dont know.


Umari: Very well then. You two are excused.




Umari: Has anyone seen Hyoma or Kai. And where the hell is Strike!


Hacker: Sir you sent them to NYC to meet a man named Trix.


Umari: Who the hell is Trix?


Hacker: That what the recording has you saying.


Umari: I never otherised them to go to NYC.


Hacker: Sir.


Umari: Somthings wrong here. Locate Strike and hav him report back to base NOW.


Hacker: Yes Sir.

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OoC: I resently talked to Chaos_Remix and he got me thinking, our sentences need to be more detailed. A bit longer than 3 short sentences. So if you could try to work on the sentences give a real good discription of what your characters doing. Thanks for listening :)


Umari's voice comes in on the ear peace with some static."Kai, where the hell are you? Where Hyoma?" More static."Kai come in! This Umari do you copy, over?"

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Umari comes in through the static."You blew up and ATTACK base? Good work" I'll have a team pic you up in about...10 minutes or so. Until then just hold on." *10 minutes and 13 seconds later a back choper comes in and lands. Umari gets out* "You guys alright?"

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