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Maddog's Deck - Dino Maddness


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hi im mat and i made this deck after the dino rampage deck came out and i improved the deck and it seems to work ok plz tell me what you think



dark driceratops

ultimate tyranno x2

black tyranno


hydrogeddon x3

tyranno infinity x3( main card of this deck)

glasurus x2

bazoo the soul-eater x2

miracle jurassic egg x2

hyper hammerhead x2

giant rat x2

magician of faith




giant trunade

heavy storm

lighting vortex

soul release

dimension fusion

creature swap

card destruction

brain control

premature burial

smashing ground

mystical space typhoon

graceful charity



skull lair

survival instinct

damage condenser

magic cylinder

call of the haunted

sakuretsu armor

bottemless rap hole

return from the different dimension

rope of life


how to play this deck

the main aim of this deck is to get rid of your dinos and remove them from play to power up tyranno infinity. stalll untill you can summon tryanno infinity with decent atack points.use giant rat, sangan ,ect to make your deck small so theirs more chanse of gettin the cards you need.

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