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Stacking the deck, do you?

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Not too sure if this belongs in the tcg section or not, but it does involve the actual game, so... i guess it will get moved if its supposed to be moved, or simply locked... or whatever.


Anyway, we all know how stacking effects the game, and how it can create an unfair advantage during tournaments, but the question is who does it and if they know how? Another question is If they know how, do they practice it? Do you know multiple ways of stacking, and are you willing to share, what is your opinions on stacking, and finally, would you be willing to share what you do know.


Me, I know of only one method of stacking, but its suck an odd way of stacking, that i dare not use it during tournament play, thus... I don't stack, and id be willing to share my knowledge with the rest of you.


[spoiler=One form of stacking is]I do know this form of stacking works Best with a 40 card deck, actually, i only recommend this stacking method to 40 card deck users. Now, set up a 5 card hand just as you would want it, imagine the perfect hand for your deck, and apply it. Now set that hand aside. Shuffle the rest of your deck normally. Now add those 5 cards to the top of the pile.


Now, Plow sp;it your cards By eight. Liek this...


1---> 2---> 3---> 4


5---> 6---> 7---> 8


And when you get to eight, go back over 1, and continue. Each pile should have 5 cards if done correctly. BUT I MUST STRESS THAT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT SCREW UP THE ORDER.


Now pick up the piles starting with 1 and work your way down, NOTE. Pile 1 should be on top, pile 2 under, pile 3 under pile 2, and so on.


Now Plow split in a 5 Pile. Again, Follow the example.


1---> 2---> 3

4---> 5


Now, pick up the cards with this order as im telling you. 1 over 2. 2 over 3. 3 over 4. and 4 over 5. Now look at your top 5 cards. You will notice that your hand is exactly how you set it up, simply in reverse. Of course you have to allow your opponent to cut, so set up your hand accordingly. As long as pile number 1 is somewhere in the middle, you'll be sure to draw somewhere between 2 or more of the cards you wanted to start with.


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I have never, and will never stack. However I do know how the "pros" do it. Make ever card in your deck the lowest rarity possible, with the exception of a hobby league sangan. Place your Crush card virus, or what ever other card you wish to have in your opening hand beside it. When you shuffle odds are in your favor of the 2 cards not getting separated. The natural bend in the hobby league card will do the rest.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I know how to stack. (And I know 3 ways to stack. Shuffling a deck yet leaving it exactly the same. Bringing a card up. Bringing a card to the middle, only to "cut" and bring it to the top.)


However, I always let my opponent shuffle and cut my deck, so stacking is pretty useless against a competent opponent.

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I've tried stacking. I have actually practiced it. I did it and named out every card in order that was in my deck. I also look through my opponents and do the same thing. Then, I have them reshuffle and cut my deck while I shuffle theirs again ( with my eyes closed ) and then cut it. It kind of un-nerves my opponents. I have never left a deck stacked in a tournament though.

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