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Half-Dragon Blood ||| news: Name change! and a pack that I bought!!

Bal Lance

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I hope this hasn't been done before... I hope this hasn't been done before... Anyway, it is incomplete, because I have a hard time finding pictures. period. Anyway, a few pictures don't have a backround (I know, BOO HISS, BOO HISS,) but if you ignore the no backround fact they are still really good art. If anyone has art I can use for half-dragon cards, I may pay rep and small amounts of points because I stink at finding pictures. Just bad luck.


NEWS(long version):


I bought a pack, the set's name is now "Half-Dragon Blood"


Monster card donated by PM: http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/1682/halfdragonwarlordft8.jpg

you tell me. is it balanced? should I let it into the set? etc.


Half-Dragon Hunter Added.


Draconic Clash (spell), and Half-Dragon Engineer (monster) added. Finnaly got internet connection back up, so don't have to use no-save library computers!















ultra rare















ultra rare



ultimate rare (will probably be picture on tin, starter deck, or pack. although someone may suggest I change it.)















Cards to use against someone with Half-Dragon cards in their deck (would also work in certain half-dragon deck strategies):




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Berserker isn't cheap, Fairy King Truesdale's attack is 2700 for one sack. Its initial is 2200 but its effect raises all plants attack and defense by 500 so it boosts itself up to 2700 and all other plants. So a 2700 no effect one sack is plenty fine. Nice cards, I'll give an 8/10, real nice and all, just no special flare that suits my taste.

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Berserker isn't cheap' date=' Fairy King Truesdale's attack is 2700 for one sack. Its initial is 2200 but its effect raises all plants attack and defense by 500 so it boosts itself up to 2700 and all other plants. So a 2700 no effect one sack is plenty fine. Nice cards, I'll give an 8/10, real nice and all, just no special flare that suits my taste.



Shame that Fairy King MUST be in defence for the 500 ATK boost, but the moment you switch it, poof, no ATK boost, so no dice with that one. (and before you argue about the text, the original print of the card missed out the 'defence' bit, go search the internet for the Super rare version which has the text 'defence' in it, if you don't believe me of course).


Berserker is overpowered with that attack, if it was 2400 or 2500 then that would be fine, but 2700 is pushing it a bit, and if it was 3000 berfore, that was pushing it waaaay too far.

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Well regardless of Fairy King, I still think Berserker is fine. Also I can't seem to find anything about this super rare version of Truesdale, and is the first print version of him still legit to play, or do you have to use his "true" wording?

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Well regardless of Fairy King' date=' I still think Berserker is fine. Also I can't seem to find anything about this super rare version of Truesdale, and is the first print version of him still legit to play, or do you have to use his "true" wording?



You can still play any version of a card, but if its text has been errated, you must play with the most up-to-date wording, and for Fairy King, he's got to be in defence for the ATK boost.

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I reckon they are good! 8/10! half dragon beserker isn't too powerful. It might just be a one of a kind! Plus if it has no effect and no defence I think its reasonable! PLus people summon level 4 monsters with 2400 and they can attack at least once. And also you can get a combo that lets you negate the effects of monsters on the field so the 2400 level 4 you just summoned is like a normal monster. If you were going to make changes you should add an effect like chainsaw insects effect.(when this card attacks you opponent may draw a card)

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@Soul Immortal: that is AWESOME! should I pay reps, points, or reps and points? (since you asked)


also... unfortaly I can't even make or upload cards fior a while. (so don't expect any card updates) Lets just say my internet is down (too complicated). I'm using the library computer, where I can't save images and theirfore can't really use the card creator... :(

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FINNALY AN UPDATE! my computers are working, so now I can save stuff on my computers. (and use imageshack!)

Also, if you have any pictures and ideas for spells and traps they'll be well appreciated... I need more spells and traps for the set. thanks.


edit: oh... CRUD! Soul Immortal, I was going to use that pic you gave me for Half dragon wizard, but I just realised it streches WAY too much and theirs nothing to crop off so I can't make it so it doesn't strech. :\ darn. *sigh* such a good picture too... so realistic...

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