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Survivor YCM (Judging Day!Zeroshot and Pikapi02, please judge!)


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Haven't been online on this contest much, but I read everything, and one last comment. tpg12, stop your posts. There is no way to fix this now, and the only thing you can probably do now, is admit you were wrong, stop insulting and doing bad things, and try again in the future, when you're better. I may be the only 2 star member here, but I think that's what you should do. I'm out. Good Bye

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We do all make mistakes. We never said we didn't. And if we were jerks, you would have about -20 reputation right now. Plus, how can you call us losers? You were the one who replaced a member because he wasn't online. How did you know that he's not just busy, and that he wouldn't post on the last day or so? It's your fault you didn't make your deadline earlier. You basically just kicked him out assuming that he won't post, replaced him, and then apologize hoping to get away with an act like that. So long, and we hope you enjoyed your time at YCM.


P.S. And you know what? Remember how you said that if we quit just because of what happened, that we were pathetic. Think about that for a moment.

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TDI................ I saw 2 episodes of that show, and wasn't very interested. Besides, I don't really get the show, and I don't think you would really want me to participate in that club. And I apologize that you lost a member of your club, so please, don't start a fight. In fact, let's forget this thread, and move on to other threads in the forums.

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